Laserfiche WebLink
10. ts the buitdingsprinktered? yes fl fVo g <br />11. Do you plan on making any improver <br />i nte.ioi tJn" <br />"t i, p.r".L;iJz' i5!"fl "fito t'*n" b u ild i ns such as <br />lf yes, please describe: <br />12. Will yourbusiness includea lobbyorwaitingarea? yes ! *oE <br />lf yes, what will be the dimensions? <br />13' Do you store equipment, materiars, or products within the buirding? yes f] No Ea' wi' there be outdoor storage of equipment, materials, or products? yes E <br />lf yes, please describe: <br />NoE <br />bHlHl;'? j""f "r,Tffi :*#ffi ,T,irJjl::::"::z?,T:x:_il",""T,,,:j:.;," <br />14. Do you manufacture a product at the site? yes D *"R <br />lf yes, please describe (incrudingprocess and end product): <br />a' will operations produce dusuwood shavings or simitar material? yerb' ooqs ihe operation invotveirre use of *"roi"g oiopen ftame? yes ;] F"Hry <br />15. Does the proposed use involve a patir <br />acupuncturist, or physicar tnerapistil;:t fft" Rtffi'on' such as doctor, dentist, chiropractor, <br />a- ls the proposed use within the mentar hearth profession, such as: <br />! tttolttot Appticabte n psychotogist fJ psychiatrist <br />L,l Social worker n Otf,E ' '-'-e'vr u ' e'v'Irqtrli <br />16. ls counseling proposed as a part of your business operation? yes f] *"H <br />a' Does your counsering business contract work with a pubric agency? yes fJ No I <br />lf yes, please describe: <br />17. Will your business be offering the following services: <br />H:*i"",:,;, =F,ilif s Lou nse <br />18' Will your busine:" b." offering massages as part of your businessmassage as ancirary to pedicures, manicures, <br />"nJ o*,"i".-ices. yes operation? ThisD rvoffi <br />exterior painting, signage, <br />I Tattoos/ permanent make_upLl None of the above <br />includes <br />19. ls cannabis or cannabis related product <br />dispensed at your business? yes' !,ilH cultivated, distributed, tested, manufactured or <br />20. Do you prepare or seil food for consumption on or off the property? ves f No D <br />lf yeo, do yeu provtoe stt oown service{drivethrough E, or. orders to go/pick_up [? <br />S:Planning\Clerical{ounter Forms\ <br />Corc Questionnaire 08-27-1 8 <br />-