Laserfiche WebLink
t <br />L <br />10 Please provide a brief description of how the business operates at this site (for example, <br />please describe the general nature of the business, what activities occur on-site, the <br />hours of operation, open to the public) <br />tt'l <br />11.-\n*r'll your business include a lobby or?ois or<- <br />lf yes, what.urillbe the dimensions? <br />waiting area? Yes fl NoE <br />, -l1,,l-,rx <br />12 Do you store equipment, materials, or products within the building? Yes E N9X <br />Willthere be outdoor storage of equipment, materials, or products? Yes E No E[ <br />13. Do you manufacture a product at the site? Yes E ruo F <br />lf yes, please describe: <br />14 Do you plan on making any improvements to the building such as: exterior painting, <br />signage, interior tenant improvements3 Yes E No E <br />lf yes, please describe:rb <br />15 <br />Does the proposed use involve a patient care profession, such as doctor, dentist, <br />chiropractor, acupuncturist, or physical therapist? Yes E No ,E <br />ls the proposed use within the mental health profession, such as: NO <br />E Socialworker fl Psychologist E Psychiatrist tr Other <br />16 ls counseling proposed as a part of your business operation? Yes f] ryg- tr <br />Does your counseling business contract work with a public agency? Yes E- No EI <br />lf yes, please describe: <br />cm\cntr-frm\C of O questionnaire <br />11t2009 <br />Page 2 ol 4 <br />lf yes, please describe: