Laserfiche WebLink
10. lsthe bulldlng sprlnklered? Yes E X" E <br />11' Do you plan on maklng any- improygnents to the building srch as: exterlor palnting, slgnage, <br />lnterlor tenant lmprovements? Yes fl No n <br />lf yes, please descrtbe: ?ar.di- arr.rj FIoo .,r.,) <br />12. Wlll yurr buslness lndude a lobby or waiflng area? y"u & <br />lf yes, what will be tre dlmenslons? <br />No <br />13. Do you store equipment, materlals, or proclucts within the buildlng? yes fi ruo E <br />a. will there be outdoor storage of equipment, materlals, or products? yes f] ruo H, <br />lf yes, please descrlbe: <br />b. Wlll there be storagelacks, pallets and/or shelvlng exceedlng 5 feet 9 Inches ln <br />helght? Yes I No E @amltrequbecttorlrrckslahetutng-owlrl,,tnqrdrewtthpannttcountq) <br />14. Do you manufacture a product at the site? Yes E No E <br />lf yes, ploase doscrlbe (includlng process and end prcduct): <br />a. Wlll operatlons produce dusUwood shavlngs or slmllar matertal? Yes ! no Eb. Does the operaHon lnvolve the use of weldlng or open flame? yes E No B - <br />15. Doos the proposed use lnvolve a patientcare professlon, such as doctor, denflst, chlropractor, <br />acupuncturlst, or physical theraplst? Yes E No E <br />a. ls tho proposed use Wthin the mental health professlon, such as: <br />E[ Nonot Applicable E Psychologtst D psychtatrtst <br />E Soctatworker tr Otner_ <br />16, ls counseling proposed as a part of your business operation? yes E No 4 <br />a. Doos your counseling businees contract work wlth a public agency? yes E *o R <br />lf yes, ptease describe: <br />17. Wlll your buslness be offerlng the following servloes: <br />E Atcohol sales E smoking Lounge E- Tattoos/ permanent make-upE eoOy pierclng/ Ear pterclng B None of the above <br />18. Will lour business be offering ma{isageg as part of your business operation?. Thls lncludes <br />massage as anclllary to pedlcures, manlcures, and other servlces. yes i No EJ <br />19. ls cannabls orcannabis related prqduct stor-q(, cultlvated, dlsributed, tested, manufactured or <br />dlspensedatyourbusiness? Yes E No m <br />20. Doyou propare orsellfood forconsumption on or offthe property? yes fl No E <br />lf yes, do pu provlde sit down service E, drjve-thror.rgh E, or orders to grc/pick-up E? <br />S :Planrdn g\Cl€rlcC€ou ntaf Forms\ <br />CoO Ou6stlomdro 0a-27-1 8