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10. ls the building sprinklered? Ves p no [J <br />11. Do you plan on making any improv€ments tg]he building such as: extenor painting, signage, <br />interiortenantimprovements? Yes ! No E <br />lf yes, please describe. <br />"12. Will yourbusinessincludealobbyorwaitingarea? Yes ( No E <br />lf yes. what will be the dimensions? t0 f*4t f t > frrf <br />13. Do you store equipment, materials, or products within the buitding? Ves! No E <br />a. Will there be outdoor storage of equipment, materials, or products? yes E ruo F <br />lf yes, please describe: <br />b. Will there be storago recks, pallets and/or shelving exceeding 5 feet g inches in <br />height? Yes D No fl{fcmitrecuiredlorr.cks/shelvlngovcra',inquinwiahpomttcount.,rl <br />14. Do you manufacture a product at the site? Yes E N" ( <br />No -ffN <br />15. Does the proposed use involve a profession, such as doclor, dentist, chiropractor, <br />acupuncturist, or physical therapist? Yes P No E <br />a. ls the proposed use within the mental health profession, such as: <br />! NolNot Applicable E Psychologiqt E Psychiakist <br />E Socral wort<er potner P 'to-da,"hll- <br />16. ls counseling proposed as a part of your business operation? yes p No fl <br />a. Does your counseling business contract work with a public agency? yes D ruo;E <br />lf yes, please describe. <br />17. Will your business b€ offering the following services: <br />E Alcohol sales E Smoking Lounge E Tattoos/ permanent make-upf] aoOy piercing/ Ear piercing ,F2on" of the above <br />18. Will your business be offering massages as part of your business operation? This includes <br />massage as ancillary to pedicures, manicures, and other services. yes D <br />"o rR <br />19. ls cannabis or cannabis related product stored., cultivated, distributed, tested, manufactured or <br />drspensed at your business? Yes E No K <br />20. Do you prepare or sell food for consumption on or off the property? yes E *. ( <br />lf yes, do you provide sit down service [. drive-through [, or orders to go/pick-up [? <br />lf yes, please describe (including process and end product): <br />a. Will operations produce dusUwood shavings or similar material? yes Eb. Does the operation involve the use of welding or open flame? yes ! No <br />S: Plannrne\Cleri€l.count€r Fms\ <br />CotO Oucatonnarc 08-27-18