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Please explain: <br />21. Doos your business sell automobiles or motorcyrles? Yes E <br />lf yes, please explain: <br />22. Does <br />Yes ffrr l5ps service or repair vehicles or install equipment and <br />lf yes, please explain <br />23. I acknowledge that I have requested and received all zoning and <br />requirements pertaining to my business and occupancy application. <br />I DECLARE UNDER PENALW OF PERJURY, THAT THE FOREGOING STATE}IENTS <br />THE BEST OF ltIY KNOWLEDGE ANO BELIEF. <br />l-N,+,J D Ye 9c,cts /O//< s <br />Prht Nene <br />O u/,1 e lL <br />Tirte <br />!nformation <br />The Planning Divisron's Public Counter is open for walk-up customers from 8:00 a.m. to <br />througn Friday, except Wednesday 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Planning Division is <br />Hall - Ross Annex, 20 Civic Center Plaza, First Floor. Additionally, you may call us <br />should you require any general inbrmation. <br />The Planning Division reviews Certilicate of Occupancy requests for change of address, <br />or expansrons to ensure that the proposed use is consistent with the established <br />Santa Ana. Please check with the Planning Division's Public Counter prior to signing a <br />your business to a certain location to determine the feasibility. <br />lf a nonconforming use is discontinued, or if a nonconforming building is vacanl, unused <br />a period of 12 consecutive months, any subsequent use must conform in every reepect <br />ttre Municipal Zoning Code, and a nonconforming building may not thereafter be usod <br />conforms in every respect to the provisions of the Code. <br />Gonerally, the following user wlll requirc further documentation or an extended <br />mey not be permttted: offlco urer wlthln an indurtrlal zone; medlcd, rettaunnt, <br />or technlcal echoolc, and automotive repalr and rervlce urer wlthin cpacct that <br />ueed for ruch purpores; a bulldlng that doer not meet the parking demand for <br />or a u6e which gonerates a hlgher parklng demand or adherence to doyelopment <br />the previoua usoa. <br />You may necd to provlde lloor plans, rito planr, or documcnt the prlor urc <br />Ccrtiffcatc of Occupancy to dctamlne thc grandparuntcd rlghtt of a <br />which har addldonal Codc rcquircmcntr. <br />S:Plurrng\Orrtcal-Counler Fsrn!\ <br />CofO Quectornarrr 0&?- t I <br />N"x <br />Date <br />into vehicles? <br />Ana Municipal Code <br />TRUE AND <br />p.m., Monday <br />within City <br />(714) 647-5804 <br />businesses, <br />regulations of <br />or committing <br />unoccupied br <br />provisions of <br />ocarpied until it <br />and may or <br />trade <br />not prevlously <br />propored ure; <br />rda than <br />obtalnlng a <br />u3o, or a ute