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10. ls the building sprinktered? yes El No El <br />11' Do you plan on maklng any lmpovements to the buitding such as: e{erior painting, signage,interiortensnt improveri'enrsz yLs tr - N; E - -- - <br />lf yes, please describe: <br />12. Wll lour business include a lobby or waiting area? yes E No fl <br />lf yes. what will be the dimensions? 12,-lO" x 20,_0" <br />13. Do you store equipment, materiars, or poducis within the buirding? yes fl No E <br />a- \Mll there be outdoor storage of equipment, mareriars, or produc{s? yes E No E <br />I r ves' pr eas e d escri be : <br />Hfl $Sl S[3,YI':X;-. I ?:Ii,,il?:l#fr lfHll;?;,b. Wll there, be storagetacks, patlets and/or shetving exceeding 5 feet 9 inches inheight? Yes EJ No U @arntlrejrulrrldlotrlctrststdvtngovrrl',tnqdire wttt permttcoutfrerl <br />14. Do you manufac{ure a product at the site? yes E No E <br />lf yes, please describe (inctuding prcess and end goduc.t): <br />3. Will operations produce dust/wood shavings or slmitar materiat? Yes E No Eb. Does the opemtion invotve the use of welding or open flame? yes E No E - <br />15. Does the proposed use inrrolve a patient care profession, such as doctor, dentist, chiropractor, <br />acupunclurlst, or physicattherapist? yes EI No E <br />a. ls the proposed use within the mental health profession, such as: <br />Itr No/Not Applicable <br />Socialworker [,E Psychologist I Psychiatrist <br />16. ls counseling proposed as a part of your business operation? Yes fl No I <br />a. Does yourcounseling business conIaclwork wilh a public agency? Yes E <br />lf yes, please describe: <br />17. Wll your business be offering the following seMces: <br />NoE <br />trtr <br />SPbnnhg\Cbrba].Counlar Foflns\ <br />Cffi CbedinnaiE 0&27-tE <br />Alcoholsales f] Smoking Lounge <br />Body piercing/ Ear piercing <br />Tattoos/ Permanent mak*up <br />None ofthe above <br />trE <br />18. Will your business be offering massages as part of your business operation?Jhis includes <br />massage as ancillaryto pedicures, manicures, and otheiseMces. Yes I No E <br />19. ls cannabis or cannabis related product stored, cultirrated, distributed, tested, manufaclured or <br />dispensed at your business? Yes E No E <br />20. Do you prepare or sell food for consumption on or off the property? Yes E ruo E <br />lf yes, do you provide sit down service [, drive-through E, or orders to go/pick-up fl? <br />Scanned with CamScanner <br />r