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GREASE INTERCEPTOR MEMORANDUM <br />To:Datc:October 26,2017 <br />From: Phillip Vakili- Assistant Engineer <br />[,OCiTtiON: 309 WEST 3RD STREET - EL INDIO BOTANAS Y CERVEZA RESTAURANT <br />The above referenced food service establishment (FSE) must comply with Ordinance NS-26-70 as <br />follows: <br />X A gravity grease interceptor is not required at this FSE for the following reason(s): <br />The proposed FSE FOG discharges are projected to be negligible and will not likely cause <br />a significant impact to the sewer system. <br />A grease interceptor cannot be installed due to physical site limitations or inadequate <br />slope between the interceptor and private and/or public sewer lines. <br />The proposed remodeling work does not increase the current amount of FOG generated. <br />The proposed remodeling work does not require: 1) under the slab plumbing in the <br />kitchen area,2) an increase in the net public seating area, 3) an increase in the size of the <br />kitchen area, or 4) any change in the size or type of food preparation equipment. <br />x This is an existing FSE involving a change of ownership that will not result in an <br />increase of FOG discharged to the sewer system. <br />S pecial comments/conditions : <br />The developer/owner shall install a Hydro-mechanical Grease Interceptor (HGI), in accordance with the <br />UPC and with the Orange County Health Care Agency requirements. The developer/owner shall contact <br />Nabil Saba; FOG Control Program Manager at (714) 647 -3320 after construction is complete for a FOG <br />permitting inspection to be completed prior to opening the FSE for business. <br />The Developer/owner acknowledges that no tenant improvements that include change of plumbing in the <br />kitchen area, change of kitchen equipment, expansion of dining area, and or change in type of operations <br />or use, are being performed at this time. The developer/owner has been notified that any improvements, <br />that include that which is mentioned above, will result in the revocation of this waiver to install a grease <br />interceptor. <br />Glen West, Senior Plumbing/Mechanical <br />Systems Specialist <br />Y: Wattr Op6atio6 Enginming Delelopmdt Wats Enginsing Creoe lntrceptor 2017 CREASE INTERCEPTOR CREASE INTERCEPTOR- -109 W. IRD ST. - EL INDIO BOTANAS Y <br />CERVEZA.doc