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Please explain: <br />21. Does your buelnese sell automobiles or motorcycles? yer D No U <br />lf yes, pleaae explain: <br />" ?::"fi"" i:t'ffi* service or repair vehiclee or instal equtpmenr and accossoriec into vehicteo? <br />lf yes, please explain <br />23. I acknorledge that I have requested and <br />requlrenrenls pcrtaining to my businese and <br />received all zoning and Sente Ana Munlcloat <br />occupancy appticetion./Fi/ Mitieti <br />Code <br />I OECLARE UNDER PENALTYOF PERJURY, THATTHE FOREGOTNG ETATEMENTS ARE TRUE ANDCORRECT TO THE BEST OF TIY KNOWLEDOE AND BELIEF. <br />Nanre <br />lnformetlon <br />IHIn,iT,lHi'H$i,i'i'[:r'#l'J ffl"J t,'i yql", cuetomerg nom B:00,a.m to 4:00 p m , Monday <br />tr#Tfr 1i*tr#;,*":'*:1*#l*"i,13:,ft ,iix'"rl:$t,"l"y,Ht,[ffi l,w:;su <br />Thc Plannirp Dlvlalon revlews.ccrtlflcate of occupalgy llugltl..forchange.of addrosB, new burincrccc,or expancionr to enture that the proposcd ure ii consiatbil wfth tnJ iriiuirtrco zonlng reguhlons diiliiflli;I,ifl";Hllg,ff rJ155flf;;,ifJ,;_iilili;i"ilL|ff;fi orn,ns a rear-e oi.ffiilrhn! <br />lf a nonconforming urc is diccontinuod, or if a nonconformlng bullding b vacant, unured or unoccupbd fora pedod of 12 consecutlve months, any suorquent uge_muc-t confor;'r-n'ilry.r"rp"ct to thc prwlrlone ofg?#Hflli,:",1'[1ffiLiil3;ffifffl,[,.'#,9il-;;f iiiil:hku;ffii i.'oiJuirli'ilii, n <br />Genenlly, the followlng ures wlll ruqulru further documentruon or rn onend.d rcvlew rnd mry ormay not be permtttcd: offtco urer wtihtn en tnouetrtei ioni.itii.i,'rLt urent, hundrornrr. tradcor tochnlce! rchooll, rnd automotlve repdr anJ rervtce urC w[rti" ii,ii* 0,] f:. not prwiourryured for ruch purpores; a bulldlng ttrri aocr not m;-Jrii" piriliiiiT"lend ror rhr prcpored ure;ff"1ffiXJl* e hlsheiparklns dcmand or eorrirunciio-Jeveropmcnt dtanoaur pren <br />You may need to provlde floor ptana' elte plana, or documcnt the prlor ur-e beforc obtrlnlng aff i:ff,::i;ffi :lE:[:,{T.,#Hg;sffi ;il;,nil;d;il;ilil""o;6;i;;ifi ;;L. <br />S:PlennkrglClcrtrt.Counlar Forma\ <br />CoO O!.ttonmtr. oDlT-18 <br />obA /zo