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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNEI BUILDER DELC RATK)N <br />I hd.b, tfim ur& Frhy of Fjuy th, Imaan|lrtmtlECo rad'Lc.M l& for lh.6lbvi,B rd)n 156.70.!1.5Buind .,n Pro66ioh Co<lc): Any Cny tr Couny $hifi Equn6. Fmi to onntu(t .na, i@rovc ddtulut orv ry{to(uq Fir !o hr n tEEc .k rEqriE tlE 4,tllt&l for trh Fnit lo fik t rBral aMt tti lr d CE ir li.aE d Frird <br />lo llE ForirioB oa rlE't Li6*d Llw (ClIpra 9. a6Illl4ins wnh Sdri.o 7000 ol DiGioD 1 of rh. &silE od <br />PofsEd Co&) o. thlr h. or dE t d.rtrf, $d6oo !d lh. b.6 tor th. .llcscd .r@Fbi. Any viohbn of Scrsn 701 I 5 br &, <br />4rltr tor r pdmi iubJ6r. rhc lr'plic.d ro r cir Ffln'of mr ruErh6 iir. hurxL.d rloll6 ( tJm). <br />-1, <br />6 olr@ of lh. Fopqrr.,. d Ey arpL)6 *nt *r*6 E rh.n $k NmFriior. $ill {to ll! *di -d th. rntlG i ol <br />it drd.d orolT.r.d hr el. (s*.704,r, BsllB bd PrbldiodCod. Tt (o,rr&lr'r Li.@ t wdo6'D.@iyronoscof <br />rhl Fnrqty who hil! d inF!6ll'.@!. &d $lD &E rrt ert hitult or lE&lf or lhmus! hi! or lE ou.f,phy6, <br />F.vild rhd ruh inFor!fu eDr i.lad.d (off@d 6r dlc ll trEq. rL ttrildiq or itrproEnd Lbld*ttEwra <br />.acm{,laiotr rlr o'*c &iil& will hrvE tlE hmh oaFDvilB ihi h. or sh. dil d tdu d i,p..E fi. FFy 6i rlE F FE.f <br />-1. <br />a ow ot <br />'h. FrFly. m ddBiEly .otuarirU rth li.a6.d .offatoi ro .o.ntud <br />'lE <br />Fsict (se. 1x4. BlaIB <br />ttit holsid Co&: T1. Cdnlr..ror'! Li..G tiw d6 mt ,!plt ro o oEn6 .f FoFly *lb bril& or inF.v6 th66n, <br />ud sh. 6tudt aor $ch Fojd! {nh. Conddo(i) lils.d p@.r,n to E Grxr*rd r Ltde t!9 <br />-l <br />mcrmpr und6 Sd6n .B &PC for rh6 ra)n <br />D.t. -- . ---_ . -__. orrE <br />woRxrns'coMPFnsaTmN <br />DICIAEAI1q! <br />I h@by .Ifm un& FrU of pcjury o* of ih. buowiry &ls.rirB: <br />_l luv. rd *ill tuinllin r Cdtnc.rc of Coe1 ro S.lf-lBw for wld mt6&rio.\ u Fovli.d for by Scri'o lr00 of dr <br /> Co<L, for Oc Flbllr. of dt *!rr ld *nkh th. FE a !{.d <br />-l hiy..rd will uidli! *DrI.u seFGaioi i6ute.. B r.qr .d by Sdrioo l70O of l!. t bor C6d., lor $. Ffol]l4. oftsnpa!(Dn 6ure. @16 ai Fl'cy nunhq G: <br />r1 /Qr.4 <br />llot 1L)ql <br />-l <br />rdiry ild ii rh. pqfo,fue of rtE sort lor s hth lhn Fnh is isr.4 I rh.ll e, @ploy uy pdsn in D, deE <br />$ 6 ro b..od r6jcr ro rh. m*6 coEpqErbr hE ofcdttom,._ &'d !sr6 rhi ir I .buld bdom eti.r ro Ur*!rt6 mhpd.thn FrviioN ot S6ri.n 1?0() oliE llbor Co<lq I rh.lL f.nh$th 6npt sith tho* !.orBbB . <br />N|NC lj.ilu. ro su. s{rl6 oapdui)n dtr64. !i unh*ful. lri ih.ll lutrd d anploF to sinidl FEli6 ed <br />fi.d up lo ot hu,xlrol lhousnd doUrt (11lx).000). in .ddiih f comFM'[n. d!mg6 6 Fo\ijcd for lh. <br />SdrDn 1076.Irh. uhdranL irr6d <br />,,.," lt/lq (lpl8 <br />DlCldAAUq! <br />I hgtby !,Im un&r pslly of Fjrry lhn I m li.o!.d udd Fovirior of crrrrd 9 {.o.j,lBin8 *in s<lbn 7000) ol Diltion l <br />or llE BGi,B .rd PmfdioG co&. .d ny lt.@ ir i. tull fo(r .'d .nd.a <br />r>^)-€ <br />4-/8o(<, ,..,,..,,:, <br />sa!flaucrolJ.Edtl!!-a{iEdt1 <br />I n6!b,.rrn ur& pculyotpcjurythr tlE i'. r8s} fntEFfolll'.eoadEwk tu *tich fin p6sl a <br />isu.d (s(. !097, cir c.) <br />ATIIJ(AdI.AECISSAIIO! <br />I hody nEn uidq F.ny .l FjuD' oE oalh. followine d<l&li.rB: <br /> P@ir'tuh6rc Norilicdioo Fqla.l R.suldioN (Tnt 40. !ur6) <br />-Rquiqi <br />krs of No'iftdi.. <br />I Glily rhd lhc li{..!l EsuhioE Essdjns at'6los rmn rl r. nd q'rln!l,! t' thi FoFi <br />-l <br />(6lifr <br />'nd <br />I h8. rad rhit qplkrtioi ad rd.ih,i.'Eniri Bo,rd I.srcloonply*'rh.11C!,ridCoory <br />orLlh.trB Md Srrr. hws Eldi,t h hriBin8 hd.l', su'norn. r.F6drd n 6 o f rhi Ci y <br />.b(tr! nbtirn.d pmpdy for tnsrx(n'i <br />appil.rnr or atMr SiIn.rur. <br />C\ra br() l<A.< <br />ttiitr",'; <br />Site-Work <br />lJnderground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signg (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dam pers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilin gs (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter ,< <br />FINAL 5h/ tt;lU3a) <br />Notes, Remarks Etc <br />Pole Bases <br />Sub-Panels