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20271911 - Permit
Salta St
2531 S Salta St
20271911 - Permit
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/6/2021 2:55:51 PM
Creation date
10/6/2021 12:00:14 PM
Permit Number
Full Address
2531 S Salta St
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Gamez ADU Garage Conversion
Street Number
Street Direction
Street Name
Street Suffix
Building Use Code
Resid-1 unit
Job Types
Permit Type
Applied Date
Issued Date
Finalized Date
Flood Zone
Description of Work
Electrical for Addition
Nature of Work
N/V - Addition, Demolition, Legalize
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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OwlrEI IUII,DEt OEITCAR^TION <br />I hc.ny.tuo uid6 F!t, ot Fjury $i I o d.qr t@ th. co*d6 tiGc ln fo,lh. &llositle lgDt (s6.701J <br />Bqod &d Prof{io. Co&): Ary Cily o. Couny vtkn tlqui6 . pdiri ro @tEru6. .nE iiFDlt d.tuhn or tP.n dy <br />lructuc Fbrro in isl/ Equi6 rlE +rlid tu slt Fan lo fl.. iistd fldrEr rha lEordE it licq!.d PU$ar <br />ro thc Frvieh6 oarh. Colrrrd! Liua.d trv ((t crc a. Co@ing wht Sdlio! ?000 ot Dvtio! I of lh. BaiE! od <br />Prca6io6 Cod.l d dlr lE d Jr ir a6n rb.a@ ed dE b-ir tu $. dlcsd qan'rion. Aly violaion of Sdlion 7011.5 <br />lpplist aor . Fnn !t*-l! llE qpli.-r ro !.i pdiyolDr @Ethe fiv. fiurH &rllm (t50O) <br />Kt. - o* orrr" ropoty, or my dpbtG *nh $.s6 ! tlEt sL @orEliiol! wi & t *at,rl dE nnrlc ! tur- nrit d orolYqld lorEL(SE 70a4. Buir ud P.!f6.ird Co&: Tlr Cotu-rtr r LilELsdEnd+drlouowor <br />rh. Fopgty *ho hril& or rso6lh@( rn vh d6tn wd hi,Elf or h.!lf m ltEus} ii q lE om.@lot€. <br />F.vid.d rlul '!ch imprc\dMu @ 6l irdd.d orolt.d tueL l( how. dE hlild4 a i,guGd it-ldsrlln@ rq <br />o,oiplri,n. dE OrE B{itk wi! h.!r tlE bqt n ofFovilg dlr b. or $. dij dl hild d iryoE t FoFty ft{'dE F F..of <br />I. 6 M olfic FF?q!r. & dclBNdy com6dn! wnh k.N.n (oilrrbn <br />'o <br />codrNd 0r Fojd (lid 7044, A6trB <br />d ftDk6 Co&: IhG Corr.dor'r Lk.e trw d6 mt t, Iylo uosd of p,oDdr) who blildr or i[prc!6 thaoq <br />ud rh6 oddr tu Mh Fojd3 vnh r Co'r.*1o(3) laa!.d Fiad 'o <br />lh. Coindoir Lic@ Li*). <br />I e .rmPl 6d6 S.!rbn.- <br />-. <br />a e P.C forini lar <br />*o.,..! : tu! -b2o oq UZ2-<'= <br />DICI A{ATION <br />I hqd,y tmm uftld pculiy of pqrury oc of $c followiry dc.ltfllirB: <br />I dd *iU mi .ir . Cdtifk{c of ColElr ro S.lf-l u.lor ertd @mpadi,c D FDviLd fo. b'setb! }700ofth. <br />t hor Code aor rlE Ffo.ll]lE of d* 6t 6r *tah tlt prsn ! su.d <br />I hrr..d will i,ll.ln worl6 .orryD.rion ilulllftc, s Fqut.d by Serion 1700 of th. trbor Cod., lor llE F(o,l:e. of <br />lh. erl fo, whi.h thn Fhn it isEd My mrt6 otrFddbn nluft. cEit !d polrcy nuibc ft: <br />al (d'ty rhd rn rh. pslotu. of rh. *orl am whi.h rhn DGmn B &.d I CuI rcl 6pb, oy F$n in &y ME <br />$ 6robcor ir b tb. *si4'onpqEiion Lu of C.lilbmia.,i {Efic if I rtoutd baoE $t*{ iot <br />w d orFldbn FovirioE ofseia'n.lT0O oa Et tor Codc l d!ri! tonhwnhooply wirttl|sFolirbd.. <br />WARNING: F.'lG ro gu. erla'€nFE lion ovals. i unh*nrl td 3h.ll $bjel 4 .r{tbF lo dini'd F.rir ad <br />cni fiB up to orc hund.d lhou6d dolls (1100,000), in .ddilio! lo llE .o! ot conp@iior &n s6 d F.viLd tu llE <br />S6rior 1076 of|h t bor Cod.. dndd ed dbrEy r ft6 <br />h,,,q- zl - 2c) <br />^ppriAfr <br />a/ <br />DICIASAIIO! <br />I horh! .lfrrm uqb FuIt of pdjury rh! I m liE!.d u!& Fo\ti,n of Ct!9tc 9 (comcinS wnh Selio! 7000) ot Divsaon I <br />ot dE B6irB rd Pref6io6 Co&. !n ny kau ii in tull loc tn.rf*l. <br />CABSIBTqIOUIEIDIIC.AGIICI <br />I h.ESy rlrm un& pddy of Fiuty ltn oEc ir , 6irD<i b. bnins {*y lor lh. Fftuc of th. Mrt for *hi.n thi! Fmi i <br />q!.d(Sc 1097, Civ. C.). <br />arfugalllDclj8ano! <br />I hady rfrD uidi Fn hy of Fjury oB of rlE lolloeir8 &l[rioN <br />l).mhbn Pdn!'A!b616 tlorilic.rioo F.d6.l RlluhioN (TnL 40, P!n6) <br />Rcquirld t,alq of Norifr..rbr <br />-, <br />cs! iry rhr ttE ftdE I r.suirrDd q-d!ts dhdd lEb!.I G @l 4plsbk b rhir F!Fl. <br />j1cd't rlu I h.E @d rh! $Dlr6rbD ed {d. rhr $..hoE info'r!.bn ir @fts. I.8Eto 6oply $rh.[ cnt.!d cou ] <br />odintt6 nd $.rc Llq Eb|ng lo hiii$g,r'. .!d hd*y nnlori4 Ef,E driE of tbit aiy Dd Coud, lo .da tDon dE <br />.bor Mrnicd ,lopdy for lBrcion purpo!6. <br /><ppuonr or,\16r shn.rue u4l qq 10 GAm€ <br />(&mn,E um.(pnr,r: n )L/O/a @1?a" <br />\,,q -2( -Zo <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Faclory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh)L4h 7t nlil-.e6 ? <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL K-lr '"-7)\J4r\4 \ <br />Notes Remarks, Etc. <br />Rev 0B-07-20'15 <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I I <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />II <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />I <br />l <br />I <br />_--- <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I
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