<br />-1.
<br />a ffi of rh. FDr.ny, or dydpb,6 wnh *ra6 r rlEt EL @r46dio4 wi[.b rt 6t -d l[.*tde ir 6r
<br />n c!.Ld dofr6.d br.L (56.7044. A6iB a.l Prlfdb Co<L Tt Coirtr.rtr r Lic@ rn do€ ml.pdyro E oq@ of
<br />rlEFoFty sl'. hrll d ig.q taao. -d rto &. ndr Kl iitGdf d id*lf o, tbouri h!' d br oh.qbrc
<br />FoviLdrh c[ iqucffiftld irdddddE.d t -1.l(,lDw.drh&nt d irFlrld aiA9.bc ]dorqqrri,o. tt O$c &rildr *i[ bE UEh!(b orFslir 0. t d S. did B. hrild d iryoE lh. FlFty ft.tL FlF*of
<br />-1.
<br />a ow orrh lDFry. e a.rritdy onr.dil| vin liEE d.od8oulo odu.r rlE Foj.( (S<. 7oaa. &.isrd hlAiE Co&: TIE Co,rr!.id r Lk.4 Lw do6 @r @ly ro D o$@ of FoFt, wl'o h{iE or iEFor. ria@[
<br />6d s,lD o r*l! for Bi Fi.di enh r Cofi!*rdl, liq!.d FEln Io $. Conrcrd r tiEB L.*)
<br />.u!8s[Ss:.caMlEBtA1]q!
<br />I bc!t, dtm ulib p6rryof Fiurt Gofrlr foltiwias &{habB:
<br />_l h!t. rd *ill nindn . C6tift.l. olco@ll lo Sf-l6d ft, $qld, @pourioq a FotiLd tu by sclin 1700 of llE
<br />Irhr Co<L. for r Ffolrrllm of rh. *dt fd rlltt llE Fdit i irll d
<br />_lt r.!d eill difl.ii wto @qd.i6 hrft4. Eq'li.d by sdh l?00 oftL t$or Codc.6. tt Ffortr. or
<br />tlE srt for f,ii.t dA Frn L i$.( M, sira @ra.rioi ic,t. diq d Flk, .@bd G1p*6Rs rt9(v o
<br />-l.6riryrhtr
<br />ir tlE Ff|, otrh. worl f.r *tth tht Fdr ir isu.( I d.ll er dnploy 6y p6$. in &y I1tF
<br />D . b tqoG alirt ro tr wla @,ryliioo L*r orc.lifo6i.. od rE tlli ir l rlDuld b<6c rliEr ro dE
<br />mrt6 @mFE b. Fwiiaof S<ii,n 1700otrlE lrtr C.{a I filL ftdhwitt oq y tnIDr Flviid.
<br />AA, d rR..t llAAttu\u
<br />Ll(asr0l,-Qrt&rlua
<br />DIigrl&UIAN
<br />or E B6iB od Ploft.bD cod.. .'d Ey ltc i' b tul foc -d.ran
<br />c20 %\\#k
<br />o.r.,-[0 o\,"",,.",", ARTr r nrrecHA,ttc+l i/(
<br />I h6.lwlrrmu s of Fr& thd lhq. n ! olaruclhn L Bs asmt. fnlh. Frolrrrfr. orrh< uort fttr$hth'hi!t.nri b
<br />Be.ri rsc lur;, cil ( r
<br />alaJsaNl,llclaSAllo!
<br />I i.t, eE udd F.I, of Frry oE orrL blbeta .LchrbB:
<br />D.dohi,n P.ihirr^rt ro. Norifidbn 8.drr.l R.SuLrioq {litlc {0. Pd6)
<br />-Rlqoiql
<br />Laraof irdin rb
<br />l(di'l\rl'.iih.l.(lr'.'1,.!trl.rtrrtrrc(udtr,!r(Er\,.trn\,.trnlrft,'.,,i'rn,!htr|\]Rrr
<br />-l
<br />c.lify $r I t(. od lli +plidi'r d Id dE .bor hfornibn i! .arEl. I .3rc lo oqt sit .1 Cay ad Coldr*-t{rfivddinrc !d Sra. L.$ EliuB ro hillna rrlFrnc r.FEiria o
<br />ltior. nrorrrcd lxlpsry for iBp.crior
<br />\.^
<br />Arelkd n Ard Skduc
<br />,*r**,^,.-6 rfl.u I AMuD
<br />pliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />tvaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />t\,4 i sc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulalion
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Ra nge
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />penrngs
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL tlHn [^ la rqo )
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc./t
<br />r----r-----
<br />+----t