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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />otNEa url|rn Duratalron <br />I hqtty.rI'D ur& po.!y of Fr[y l! I d qdF tli dr CoeE r.' tjd* t- 61 lh. blbqia t D (tet0!1.5 <br />elind .n Pr.ftdr Co&): Aly Cl, d Cod, wtic! .!qlri- . Fd m @drud. .fq, irylvc (bob! d r*'-, <br />riE8c Ft tolt llo Gquit!. dr ?9lgat &trndrFEnb tut{ndtlr@r rbh.dlEilictd tltn. <br />ro dE rovibo of 6. Cre-ld r Lia..d t:e (ClryG 9. CoEo8ilr wtt s<rbo ?()o0 of Dnni,. , of lt. tlltirr &d <br />Pr!&sioE Co.L) c ti.! lt or dr a alnE tlErtoa -d dr t-i 6r tb .L|ed a.4i.E Aly vbhib ofs.dnG mll.5 b, Dy <br />Albrr for . F6t al&tiir dr .p?lt d to . .iril p@ty of br DG $- fic hBH &lhr (1500). <br />l. . ovE of {rE FlFry. d Ey qrd.,}6 wilt w{6 ! dr., .L ddpdabo. }iI & dE *ut .d lb -!dc i Bl <br />ird d ofiid &. oL (sc.7o!1. Bdi6 6d ttoftoiE Co& Tt C.d.e.l li@ lry &a el dy to e o*i.r of <br />dEFnFty *tD brt 6 iryoq $cEo..d wlb &€ rd Elt hi@df q lE*lf o. dfr'{t ii a ta os dDplor!.1 <br />Fovir.dtld sd in,.o\,E6 c rd irad.d ao&!d &. dc It bv!E. rlE hrldil d iryrocd i d,iibc t- <br />of .oryldlo. 0r o\,c Buildd *itl hE dr blnd ofFDdt IL t d & .lid Er hits d ign* Itc FDFry 6r dr F,!*of <br />-1, <br />Bo*E of rlE F!?rly. a *t!iE @|r,sh8 vit lia.d odrc@ro onrtuli lh. Frid (sc.70,1,4, &riE <br />&d ,h&in co(L: Tlr. C.dr-r6r'r Lt6* Lrw &6 dr ply ro d olG of FoFry eto toil& a iE rc€ tta.o.. <br />od *lb @dr&r fa al.rl Foj.n! wi!. C.mElq(r lid.d Fnlln ioilEc.d-a.liE* lr*I <br />.8.&y.tot <br />L.4dD.r., C 6!la-t*ffiffiffi <br />I ba(try .lt@ u.da Funy ofFru.y oE onlE follor'q d6L.ri'd: <br />-l <br />h.E..l *iU Bid&. Cdriftrc otc.rlr lo Sdf-!!.@ bt wt6'coop-rrio6, - FviLd 6r bys&lbo rr()o of th. <br />rrld co<ir hlhF6.d.E of t sii h.tid lt. Fui a i$.d <br />_l h&..dsill oid.i. E 6 @Dp6u.rb! i!.ulac D Fqud b, s<rbn l7m of rh. trbo( coda tor tb. Ffq!!.B of <br />llE wrt 6r *li.t fti FEi ir i$.d. My $qra @or@ri.! ilrltrc ci, d poliy l@bd G <br />-l <br />.dlit tll. i! u. Ffoltll.G ortc mlt tu $tth fii p66i ir bo.( I 6.[ ol .qLy ay Flon i, dy dec <br />F i Io t@tc $lier r,o l[. €tq.' codrdrion Lsr orcdibnir dil .arc fir if t 6od b@c nti.c !o U. <br />snd' 6dp@.ion Foviir6 ofs.diD 1700 ofdE t bo. co<L, I !t [ b.llwit @@lr wit $o- Fviba. <br />w^tNl c: fnl@ ro s@ srt6 6 p@.ia o!q.s. i ulvirL ed tull lbjt.l E @ploF to oirnn Fllb rn <br />.ivil t@ [p lo @ h!.L.d rhouod rtolL. (ll(n.000). in .ddiion lo rt @i ol @q@.rioa .ird.g6 a Fovi!.d t lb <br />sdrioi J0?6 of ttE t &r C.<L, ir6tr -d ddEyl f€. <br />I hdnt, .fir6 lrdd p@hy ot Fidy rh I o tad u& Feviio' of Ct F. I (@MsFi!a *ih scdiE 7U)) ot Diviib l <br />of tL &!6n l Plot i.rco<t,nd6rlicqGirbtul6rdclEc1. <br />CqIiIAUqDAE]EIDIIGIGENA <br />I hdrh, .rf@ E& F.Iy of Fiury lhd rh@ i . @dierih lddi! ..c, lor rl. Fe.t!r. of dE $vr 6r snet ltir Fnt i\r.J (sd. \rr_.(,\ ( ) <br />AIILICAETDEqI4SAXTO! <br />I h.d, .&6 un ls porty of FjEy o* of tl. fol,eii8 &bria <br />D6Elirbo P6Di!-A.t 16 l]oiifEnb! f.dqJ tcauLlioE Gnl. 40. Par6) <br />-f <br />.quftd t-al<of rhijldin <br />( <br />- <br />t cait U. lh. r.ddd lBd.bB csrdiIs @vd .'! nor eplicrbL to lhir pordi <br />-l <br />cait lb. I h.E Ed lb! eplt{btr D.l tn. $. 0s .lbE in6o' ir b ..ic1 I .. E ro @drly wit! dl CO .!d Cotdy <br />odi,l.l6 od $r. t.u Glir to bddng .o.ridi.E d ialby dhrnr lrfrerriE of tb Cily.rd Cqdy lo dq upo! t <br />.bow 6rion d FoFr, h. o.pcrbn <br />lppli.!r or ,trdl Sltn.rur.: <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Wasle & Venl <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL *1*a >-,!l,'l2 <br />Notes Remarks Etc. <br />I <br />,.,,,3P/4 <br />-. 2J2/zt <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />I I <br />I