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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BIJILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrcby affrm undcr Fnalty of Friury that I m cxcn$t frcm the Contrrctos' Liccn* lrw for thc following rorco(Sc.7031.! - <br />Busincss and Pmfession Codc): Any City or County which rcquires a lrcmit to construct. altcr. improvc, dcmlish or rctEir ur' <br />strcturc, prior lo its issumcc. also rcquircs thc applicant for such lrcrmit to filc I signcd stalcrcnt thrt he or slE is licenrcd pusuurt <br />to thc Fovisions of the ContBctor's Lienrcd kw (Chsptcr 9. Commrcing vith Setion 70q) of Division 3 of the Busircss ud <br />ProfesshnsCodc)orthathcorshciscxctr{,tthcrcftomandthcbasisfortheallcScdcrcmplion. Anyviolatkrnofssthn?03l.5by8ny <br />applicant for a [rcrmit subjsts thc lpplicant to a civil pcnalty of not mrc lhm five hundrcd dollus ($500). l <br />_1. as owner of thc pr)pcny. or my cnlpbyccs with wagcs as their solc cornpensation. willdo lhe work and the structure is rnt <br />intcndcd or offcrcd frrr salc (Scc.7044. Busincss and Profcssions Codc: The Contractor's Liccnsc l;rw docs not apply to an owncr of <br />thc proJrcrty who builds or irnprovcs thcrcon and who docs such wo* hinrelf or hcrsclf or through his or her own employccs. <br />providcd that such irngnovcnrcnts arc not inlcndcrl orofTcrcd lbr salc If. howcvcr. ttrc building or improvcnrcnt is sold within one ycar <br />of cornplction. thc Owner Buildcr will havc ttrc burdcn of proving that hc or shc did not buikl or improvc tlrc propcrty for thc purynsc of <br />salc). <br />-1. <br />as owner of thc property, am cxclusivcly contracting with licenscd contraclors to construct the projctt (Sec. 7044. Busiltcss <br />arxl Prrofession Codc: Thc Contractor's License Law does not apply lo Bn owncr of property who builds or improves thereon, <br />and who conracts for such projccts with a Contractor(s) liccnsed pursuant to the Contractor's Liccnse Law). <br />-IamexelnptundcrSc.ction-.B'&P.C.forthisrcason.Date:__Owner:_ <br />WORKER^S' COM PENSATION <br />DECLARATION <br />I hcreby afllrm undcr pcnalty of pcrjury onc of thc following dcrlaratiorrs: <br />_l have and will maintain a Certificatc of Conscnt to Sclf-lnsurc for workers' comgrcnsation. as povided for by Section 3700 of thc <br />[:bor Codc, for thc performance of thc work for which thc pcrmit is issucd./v I have and will maintain workcrs' comlrcnsation insurancc, as rcquired by Section 3700 of the [:bor Codc, lbr thc performance of <br />Gi work for which this Jrcrmit is issucrl. My workcrs' compensation insurance carricr and plicy number are: <br />Ciuricr: lA!ry+ (,4. .^l Cora.^Uot <br />Policy \.rct\s ?ct t/,lr- <br />_l ccrtify that in thc ;rcrformance of the work for which this pennit is issued, I shall not ernploy any pcrson in any manner <br />so as to bccomc subjcct lo thc workers' compensation laws of California, and agrce that if I should trc.corrc subject to the <br />workers' compcnsation provisions of Scction 3700 of thc Latnr Code. I shall. f'orthwith comply with thosc provisions. <br />WARNING: Failure to sccure workers' compensation covcragc is unlawful, and shall subjcct an employcr to criminal Jrenalties and <br />civil fincs up to onc hundrcd thousand dollars ($100.000). in addition to thc cost of compcnsation. damages as providcd for thc <br />Scction 3076 of thc latnr Codc, intercst and attorncy's fecs. <br />Date:_AppllcanI <br />LICENSED CONTRACTOR <br />DT'CI.ARATION <br />I hercby alhrm undcr pcnalty of perjury that I anr licenscd under provision of Chapter 9 (comrrrncing with Scction 7000) of Division 3 <br />of thc Busincss and Professions Code. and my licensc is in full forcc and cffect. <br />Liccnsc L-to Nunrbcr:roL?c# <br />r3 CT <br />W <br />I hercby affim urdcr lEmlty of Frjury that thm is a consruction hndirg agcrcy for thc trrformc of thc work for which this pcrmit is <br />issucd (Sc. 3097. Civ. C.). <br />Lcndcr's Narnc: <br />lrndcr's Addrcss: <br />APPLICANT NECI ARATION <br />I hcrctry affrrn undcr pcnalty of perjury onc of thc following dcclarations: <br />Demolition Permits-Asbestos Notification Fcdcral Regulations (Title 40. Part6) <br />_Required l*tter of Notification <br />_l ccrtify that thc fcdcralrcgglations rcgarding asbcstos rcnnvalarc not applicable to this proi"ct. <br />-4""rtitythar I havc rcad rhis application statc that the atnvc infornution is correct. I agrce to comply <br />reprcsentativcs of this City <br />with all City and Counly <br />ordinances and State [:ws relating to constructioru and hcreby authorizc and County to cnter uJnn thc <br />abovc rrrcntioncd propcrly for <br />1Applicant or Agent <br />I)ernrilc.e nanre 2n* <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Su bf loo r/VenUI nsu latio n <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />JVasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />ll ^LL ilt <br />F!NAL ()'(lo )/rvT 3t <br />Certificate of Occupancv <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Rev. 08-07-201 5 <br />o"t", 1 I