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ELEGTRI CAL.I NSPEGTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG COMMENTS Owna-Builda Dcclmtion <br />I hcby rfilrm mdcr paalty of pcrjury thrt I mcxmpt fm thc CmtrctoB' Liccolc Lrw for thc following rcaon (16.7031.5 BuinBr <br />ud hofaim Codc): Any City 6 County which rtquirtr r pcnnit to cffitnrcq dtd, improvc, dmolish u rcpair uy rtrucrurc, lris to itt <br />imarcc, rbo rcquim dE eplic]lt for tuch pcrmit ro filc a rfncd nrt66t thrt hc or rhc is licmcd punuut to Oc prcvirimr of thc ' <br />Cqrmctq'r Licarcd bw (Chryta 9, Comr€nciry wlth Sccdon ?oo0 of Dvi:im 3 of thc Burincas md Profasim Co&) tr thst hc tr <br />shc i! qallPt thcrcfrom uld thc blrir fa thc .[c8cd flcmptim .Any violetion of Scctim 7031.5 by my applicsnt for r permir rubjeB thc !lpplicrtlt to r civil paalty of ool mG thm livc hmdrcd dolls (S500). <br />_1, a MGr of thc prcpcrty, d my mployd with wr86 I thcir rolc cmpmation, witl do th€ sork md thc ttrucluc ir not intmdcd <br />or ofrfrd fa ldc ( Se.7044, Euins md Prcfsiw Codc: Thc Conindtr'r Limc Lsw dc nor apply to m owna of thc propcny <br />who buil& or imFovct thcr6o, md who dH ruch work himclf or hcllclf a throu8h hi! c ha own cmploye, providcd thar ruch <br />imprcvmmt! e nd intmded d ofr@d fot mlc. If, howaa, thc building or imprcvmcnt i: rold within onc ycu of complction, thc <br />Oma-Buildd will havc thc burdcn of prwiag that hc u rhc not build tr imprcve for thc purposc of salc). <br />-I, <br />a owncr of thc propcrty, m cxcluivcly cmEetitrg with liccrocd cmlt&toE to construd thc projccr ( Scc. ?044, Bsinst sd <br />Prcfaim Codc Thc Cfitrrcltr'! Licdc Lrw dm not ipply to m ownc of prcpcrty who buildr q improvd rhficon , ed who <br />cmtrrcB fd ruch projccts with r Cmrrto(r) Iicmscd pmmt to rhc Contractu'r Licensc Law.). <br />_I un cxempt under Section & P.C. for this rcason. <br />Date: Owner: <br />WORKERS COMPENSATION NECLARATION <br />I hereby affirm und6 penalty of pajury onc of the following dcclaruions: <br />_IhrvcudwillmalntrinrCatificucofCoamttoSGlf-InsEfdworkm'cmpcolrtion,u povi&dfcbySerioi3Tooofrhc <br />Irbor Codc, fc thc pcrfrme of thc wqt fm which thc pqmit lr isucd. <br />-lhrvcmdwillminuinwctm'mpanrdionin$rrncc,u <br />rcquircdbySetio3T00ofthcLaborCodr,fortheperfommccJfrhc <br />wck for which thir psrnit ir isucd. My wchen' cmpca$tion iromcr crnia ud policy numbcr rc: <br />Policy <br />(This scction need not bc completcd the pctmit is for One hundred dollars ($tOO; or lcss) <br />6rthatinthcpcrformanccoftheworkforwhichthispcrmitisirsuc4tshallnotemployanypersoninanymannersoasto <br />becamc tubjcct to the workcrs 'compensation l&ws of Californig and agrec that if I should bccome subject to the workers' <br />3700 of thc Labor Code, I fonhwith with <br />WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compcnsation <br />fines up to onc hun&ed thourand dollars ($100,000),in addition to <br />Oc kbor Codc, intcrat md rnomcy'r fa. <br />LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLANATION <br />I hacby efiirm udr pcndty of pajury thu I m licarcd mda prcvitim of Chspts 9 (commcing wirh sccrion ?000) of Division 3 of <br />drc Buina md Prcfetion! Codc, sd my lic6c ir in full fmc od cffcr. <br />License <br />Date: <br />I hereby aftirm under pcnalty of perjury that there <br />issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). <br />Lender's Name: <br />a agency the performancc of the work for which this permit is <br />Lendcr's Address: <br />APPLICAI{T'S DECLARATION <br />Dcrnolition Permie-Asbestos Notification Federal Regulations (Title 40, Pan 6) <br />_ Required Lener of Notificstion <br />-I <br />certify that the fedcral reSulations regarding asbestos removal are not applicable to this project,-s" € <br />:{"^frthat I have rcad this applicetion and state that the abovc information is correct. I agree to comply <br />ordinances and State Laws to building construction, and hereby authorize rcpr$entativcs of this City <br />with all City and Counry <br />and county to enter upon the <br />above mentioned propcrty <br />or <br />(print):J.*, A&..a,,^ ,+. Nol4 a <br />b\b <br />Site-Work <br />Underground /^ <br />Pole Bases 7b?,b5 \A-43a ) <br />Light Standards MsA-r +$,n ,eo) <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm I Darnpers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 1q)4(0,. (t,,c-ilild, <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />( <br />,rr^ ,ftr 3S <br />JJs6 <br />/ ,( <br />c l, <br />,F <br />J <br />i{zq6s'-*