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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNERBUILDERDE1CARATION { <br />I hscby affm undq poalty of psjury that I en cxcmpt fiom thc Contrsclon' Licffi Law for thc following rcmo (56.7031:5 <br />Busins md Prcfeion Codc): Any City or County which rcquiG a pqmit to @Ntruct, alto. imprcvq danolish or rcpair my <br />structuc, prior to its isswcc. dm rcquirc rhc applicet for such lEnit to fih a signcd std@mt that hc or slE b ticdEcd ptNet <br />to thc prcvisioN of thc Contrctor's Licascd taw (Chrptq 9. Commcncing with Satioo 7000 of Division 3 of thc Buins ud <br />Prcfcsioro Code) or that hc or shc is cxmpt thqcfrom ild thc b6sis for thc allcgcd cxmption. Any violation of Setbtr 7031.5 by oy <br />applicmtforapemirsubjctsthc applicuttoacivilpcnEltyofnotmorcthmfivchundrcddollus($500). <br />_1. as owner of the propcrty. or my employecs with wagcs as their solc compcrsation. will do the work and the strLlcture is not <br />interdcd or offered for sale (Se.7044. Busincss and hofessiors Codc: The Contractor's License l-aw does not apply to an owner of <br />thc p,ropcrty who builds or improvc thcron. and who does such work himself or herself or through his or her own employees. <br />provided that such improvonents are not intcndcd or oflbod for salc. If. howwer. the building or improvcfii€nt is sold within one )€ar <br />of conplaiorL the Oryner Builder will have the burdcn of proving thd lre or shc did not hrild or improve the propoty for thc purpose of <br />sale). <br />_1, as owner of the property. arn cxclusively contracting with liccnsed contraclors to construct the projea (Sec. 7044, Buiness <br />and Profession Code: The Contractor's Licensc Law docs not apply to an owncr of property who builds or improves thereon, <br />and who contracts for such projects with a Contracto(s) licensed punuant to the Contractor's Licerxc l-aw). <br />-l <br />am exempt under Section-, B. & P.C. for this reason. <br />I)q to' <br />WORKERS' COMPENSATION <br />DECLARATION <br />I hereby affrrm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: <br />_l have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to Self-lnsure for workers' compensation. as provided for by Section 3700 of the <br />Labor Code, for the perfonnance of the work for which the pornit is issued. <br />_l have and will rnaintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performancc of <br />the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carier and policy number are: <br />Carrier: <br />Policy Number: Expires: <br />_l certi& that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issuc<!. I shall not employ any person in any manner <br />so ils to become subject to the workers'compensation laws of California. and agree that if I should become subject to the <br />workers' compensation provisions of Sec-tion 3700 of the Labor Code. I shall. forthwith comply with those provisioru. <br />WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compcrsation coveragc is unlawful. and shall subject an anployer to criminal panalties and <br />civil lines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100.000). in addition to the cost of cornpersation. da'nages as provided for the <br />Section 3076 of the L^abor Code. intccst and attorney's fees. <br />I hereby affrm under 3 <br />of the Business and Professions Code, and my licensc is in full force and cffect. <br />License Class: License Numbcr: <br />CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY <br />I hcrcby a(fm udo pqulty of pffjury that thcc b a @nstrudbn landing agocy for thc psfomuce of thc rcrk br which this pqrnh b <br />issucd (Sc. 3097, Civ. C.). <br />Lender's Name: <br />lrnder's Address: <br />AIIIICANIDECIABAIIAN <br />I tr&y a6nn unda pcnalty of pqjury onc of thc following dclsrstioru: <br />Dcmolitiotr PmiB-Asb6tos Notificstioo Fcdml RclulatioE (Titlc 40, Parr6) <br />-Rcquir€d <br />Lrttq of Notificalion <br />-l <br />cqtiry thal thc fcdsd rc8ulatioB rcgading abdtos moval uc not applicsblc to this prcj*1. <br />-l <br />cqriry rhat I bsvc Bd this application ad statc that th€ 8bovc itrfomatioD is coE61. I 8gr to @mply with all City and County <br />ordiMc6 ed Stat€ lrws relaing to buildiag coD$ructioE ild hmby authorirc Epr66tativ6 of this City ad Couty to otq upoo thc <br />abovc motioncd prcpqty for i6pqlioD purpos6. <br />Applicant or Agent <br />Permitee name <br />llo t o. <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />S u bfloor/Ve nUI ns u latio n <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />Insu Iation/Enerqv <br />Drlnruall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />I r-o <br />FINAL l.lf+7r ,U ?7 b,AY>7 <br />Certificate of Occu pancy I I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Contreclor:_