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tsUILDING. INSPEGTOR REGORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.GOMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB FIoor <br />S ubfl oorA/enUl ns u lation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt, Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Requirements <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certlficate <br />)r \./\, L r-*t <br />FINAL 7 1;?c r4t to I <br />Ceftlflcate of Occupancy I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />I hcrrbl rfllm undc pauty ofpcrJury 6rl I or aarpt fmn Oc CilE Grar'! Lo for $! followinS rron (10..?011,5 EIrlo€r <br />ttld Pmfcrrlo Codc): Ary Clry c Cormy.rhld nqulq r prillt to cor!!.r, rlrc, Inprovq dcnrollrh c Il, &uctrrt , ldoilo itrlrttrnc!, .lro Fqult!. lfu rpDllcra fa rd Fnh b lll. r rlgrd ilrlffiil thn tG a ,h. lr lioquod pnuiar ro ttir pwtrtoiri of rlcCclncs'rUc.l.dlr'(chtpt'9! Coltmrchld6 Sccllo.l 7o@of Dlvltlor 3 ofitrBuinqr mdPlofanimd,bdo) orrhl hc c <br />,hc fu qanpt $@lto.n ndth brL &;lho dlcfld d.ilprlal ,Ary vloldlm of Scctlm ?Of t.5 by uy rppllut f* r ponirir rubjccrr'tlro <br />ryplisr to . clvll Fd? of ic ttrdi thG 6r hn&d &llu (t,oo), <br />-Ir.! <br />mr? of lh. FoPi?, arry .rdor/.., ddr *qrr r thdr roto conpcltrdcr. rlll do rhc wdL rad rh3 rrucrur b na lnicdcdorollod fcrrlc ( Scc'70a.1, Suirrtt ltd ProlLrrla[ Codc l|13 Cqrmd6i Llcarc b? docr od rgDly ro m oa11c drnc arcpqtywho ttrildr 6lripcr thcat rd rlp da art rqt hlmr.tta hmlf c ttru{r hir r hc m odoyc, rcvlrtcd rhri ructr' ' <br />lmptdmicrir l! rcl lnlrd.d a o{f.nd f.r rela l( lr*trr, 6c hrfldh; or lnpttvmor b rold viriln'oni yci'of conrplorloq rho <br />Orncr.Buildc wlllhrw ttrhrdar o(proia3 6rr rE arhc rtot tiritd o? lnplov. fath.Frryo.. of rd.). <br />-1, <br />.! otlo-of!. ,mPcru, m orclulwly conrrtl4 wlth lican.d Eollclofr ,o cqlrmrt rh. !rcjcd ( &c. ?0t,1, Burlnsr udProfcrdor Codc Tlto Caotnadr Llcquo Lrr &cr rct .ppl/ 6 lt oxncr of prtp.t wln bullda dr iirprovcr rlracoo , rnU wlo <br />cqrE cE for ruci Fljcc! wlt . CooErctd(r) lla.ot d Flilltil io lh. Conf.ctor's Llsau. L.w.). <br />-l <br />rrn .r.rnp urrtcr Scailon <br />-4, <br />e p.C. fr Uf ,ellon . <br />Drte: <br />t hcrcby rlltna undc r.ay orr+u' ffi <br />-l <br />hM rd wlu 0ulnrin . Corrlficri. of Co.l|olr !o Sclf.ln ur. fa rrortln. compcrrdm, u ptovldd for by Sooior !7OO of @q fordr psfqmnco of ttrcrort favhiCt $. pofitdr b ltru.d"-//t - -a ,iU ..lar.ln rdsf coinp.t r!'o furm*q rr nqulcd by Sccdm 3?00 of rtrc Lrbor Cod., fc rhr F f61nucc of ilc*at fc vhid 6ir panit b ku.d. My rt.ta, oonAanaior tuunncr crfiicr rd pollG, oumtcr rG: <br />(Thh rcction necd not bo otre hundrod dolbn (.t100) c lcrr) <br />of thc work for whlch thh ir iruod,I rhrll ro Ir to <br />hwr <br />of thc l,.bor Codc,I <br />lVAtrI{NG; Prilun o rcqu! torlrat' coirPartrrioo cov6r& h s[lrvful, md rhrll rubjocl tr mployrr ao.rinlnd pcarldcr rnd clvilfina up o mc hun&td tlrourud dollrr (1t00,000),in ddiaion ro fi. cdr of cdrpartior, amgcj u-provtdld for rh; S.crln !076 of <br />th3 hbtr Codc, itrtrrGli nld attmEyrr fcar. <br />- LtctrysED cotvTR^c."oRs nrcLARAlrON <br />I h6cby rmtm uoda Pqrdry olFrjttty $rr I m llcsn.d mda povirim of Chrprc 9 (cornmmcin3 virh Sccrion ?000) of Divirim 3 of <br />the Buringr rnd Profcrrimr Codg urd my liccnrc ir in full force rnd effcct. <br />Llccnrc Numbcr <br />Drto: <br />I hccby rflirm undcr pcnrlry of perjury rhrt <br />irued (Sec. 1097, Civ. C.). <br />lcndin3 rgeacy for pofonrancc of thc work for which rhir permir ir <br />Lcnder'l Nme: <br />Lcndcr'r Addretr: <br />Dcmot i tion Perml rr.Ar bcrtol Noti flcrti on Fedord <br />_ Required Lener of Notilicrrion <br />-I <br />ccrtifi thrt oo fedenl rcaulrtiorr rc3udin3 arbgor rsmovrl uc nor rypllcrblc to rhb proJect. <br />rcrd thir with rllClty rnd Counry <br />urd Cornty to cntcr upon thc$wc mcntioned proporty <br />Permincc <br />1 <br />li)a. r. ,l <br />hrvc