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EXPEDITED PERMIT PROCESS FOR PV SYSTEMS <br />STANDARD STRINC SYSTEM <br />The Solar America Board for Codes and Srandards (Solar ABCs) Expedited Permit Pro- <br />cess provides a means to differentiate systems that can be permitted quickly and easily <br />due to their similarity with the majority of small-scale PV systems. Those systems with <br />unique characteristics may be handled with small additions to this Expedited Permit <br />Process or may require much more information, depending on the uniqueness of the <br />installation. <br />The following pages contain forms for the Standard String System !o use with the Expe- <br />dited Permit Process. The Micro-lnverter, AC Module. and Supply-Side Connection forms <br />are also available as interactive PDF files at ln jurisdic- <br />tions that have adopted the Expedited Permit Process for PV Systems, these forms can <br />be filled out electronically and submitted in either printed form and via email. An elec- <br />tronic format is used so that the supplied information is standardized and legible for the <br />local jurisdiction. <br />ARC}iITECTURAL STRUCTURAL <br />ACCEPTEO FOR CONSTRUCTION <br />SEPARATE PERiIITS ARE NECUITED <br />'OtETECTRICAI, prum8tilo 3 llcll ilclt tl.t! <br />Ihis scl ot plans tnd tprcifiilrliru rlC !a lrlrr ll. ia <br />at all tmcs rnd it ir unhrtd b rn*r rr'dtrmcs'or <br />lrbrrlgns m tfir rillu,l rntt ,rnrsiron froh tneCit,dsun fn. <br />lh }Gtillrtcc ol lhis plan and snnrrr :11,^rrs S <br />ba hrld lo permit nor be an :, J r. ', ..,.:i <br />provisions ol ANYf ly 1'r: :::, ':t, <br />'\r3) <br />ry .3Q]r.<.'hq <br />iIF SA. tFL <br />I A ilr, <br />I rlrvist0N <br />EXPIDI1 ED PI,tIMI-I I)I{OCESS [-OR PV SYS'I EMS