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City of Santa Ana Proposal to Provide Solid Waste Consulting Services <br />RFP NO.: 18-006 <br />With the election of a new Mayor, opportunities were created for San Diego to assume a <br />leadership role in Zero Waste. Based on HF&H's knowledge of City operations and costs as <br />well as its experience with Zero Waste planning throughout the State, the City selected HF&H to <br />prepare the City's Zero Waste Pian. The plan has a goal of achieving 75% diversion by 2020 <br />on its way toward Zero Waste in 2040. <br />The City/HF&H team developed a three phase approach to assist the City in realizing their Zero <br />Waste goals: <br />• Assess current progress toward Zero Waste and develop strategies to achieve Zero <br />Waste. <br />• Develop consensus on specific actions to be taken and a sequence and schedule of <br />program implementation. <br />• Implementation and assistance. <br />HF&H Solution <br />The engagement commenced with the development, using graphic meeting facilitation <br />techniques, of a consensus regarding the context, vision of and work plan for developing the <br />Zero Waste plan. HF&H also performed the following key tasks with the City staff and <br />incorporated stakeholder input: <br />• Structuring the data collection and analysis of current conditions to document progress <br />toward Zero Waste. <br />• Surveying 18 leading Zero Waste communities nationwide for best practices. <br />• Preparing a draft Zero Waste vision statement and resolution for approval by City <br />Council. <br />• Developing strategies for achieving Zero Waste. <br />• Assisting in briefings and presentations to the Mayor and Council Members/Council <br />Committee. <br />City of Santa Monica Zero Waste Strategic Plan (2011-12) <br />Client Needs <br />In June 2009, the City of Santa Monica's City Council directed <br />staff to develop a Zero Waste Plan to support and refine Santa <br />Monica's current waste diversion operations. Santa Monica <br />provides municipal solid waste collection services to the <br />residential, multi -family and commercial sectors. <br />Santa Monica is an acknowledged leader in the implementation <br />of environmental programs. Santa Monica 2010 diversion rate <br />was 68%. In 2011, Santa Monica released a competitive RFP to <br />develop a Zero Waste Strategic Plan (Plan) identifying new <br />policies, programs and infrastructure needs to surpass the 70% <br />diversion goal established in their 2010 Sustainable City Plan. <br />The Plan is also Intended to reduce GHG emissions while <br />minimizing the financial and environmental costs of the existing <br />solid waste system. <br />Client Reference <br />Ms. Kim Braun <br />(Now with Culver City) <br />(310) 253-6421 <br />Highlights: <br />• Four-phase zero waste <br />plan <br />• Develop alternative <br />policies and programs <br />through stakeholder <br />engagement <br />• Rate structure analysis <br />April 4, 2018 Page 21 HF&H Consultants, LLC <br />60D-72 <br />