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10B - MIN MAY 15
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
10B - MIN MAY 15
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5/10/2018 7:53:11 PM
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5/10/2018 7:51:25 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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Mayor Pro Tem Martinez opened the Hearing. Clerk of the Council Maria <br />confirmed the written communication was received and circulated to council. <br />Councilmember discussion ensued: <br />Councilmember Tinajero, opined need to maintain what is currently in place, <br />draw lines after election takes place without removing elected Councilmembers, <br />and to move forward to ensure ward elections are on November ballot. Noted <br />waiting until after election would provide more time to make a better decision <br />and would bring stronger democracy to residents by giving them more of a voice <br />through the ward election process. <br />Councilmember Sarmiento, referenced minimum legal requirement to have five <br />public hearings and need to go above and beyond the minimum requirements to <br />address community groups, neighborhood associations, and advocacy groups. <br />Noted many ways to define community of interest, population vote diluted by at <br />large system currently in place, encouraged public to participate, need to be <br />explicit to what is on the ballot, and need to have ability allow individuals to draw <br />their own maps on city website. Further discussion ensued. <br />Councilmember Benavides, inquired what numbers will be used to determine <br />population size. Noted 2020 Census results will not come out until 2022, steps <br />taken towards new ward boundaries is a remedy to address ongoing California <br />Voters Rights Acts litigation filed against the City of Santa Ana, 2010 census <br />numbers were very likely undercounted, and anticipation that 2020 census will <br />be more skewed given the climate and potential questions that are being <br />presented by the current administration. <br />Consultant, 2010 census will define population number, 2010 census was faulty <br />because it there was a significant undercount in the City of Santa Ana, American <br />Community Survey will define the ethnic composition of citizen voting age <br />population, and various data that can help inform the process but doesn't have <br />legal standing. <br />The following speakers commented on said item: <br />• Theresa Le, expressed disappointment in the underrepresentation of the <br />Vietnamese community. Opined attention has been drawn towards politics at <br />the loss of what is important and the election system leaves most of the <br />population feeling poorly unrepresented. Urged City Council to move towards <br />a fair and inclusive process for a new district election system. <br />• Dave Hoen, opined we have run out of excuses and need to go towards a <br />fair representation of all residents. <br />• Miguel Hernandez, on behalf of Santa Ana Fair Election Coalition, echoed <br />statements made by Theresa Le. Opined need to move forward with <br />redrawing of the maps to ensure the Vietnamese community is represented <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 52 MAY 1, 2018 <br />1 OB -52 <br />
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