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PS5. Community Engagement <br />Name, Title, Office, Contact Info <br />Role(s)/Level of Commitment Experience/Responsibilities Summary <br />JEN CHUNG <br />Graphic Design Designs at multiple scales —from smaller, site -scale residential designs <br />Associate Designer <br />to regional -scale design guidelines and vision plans. Projects reflect <br />60% <br />various degrees of complexity. Expert at making strong visual impact <br />Santa Ana I x2333 <br />that conveys information clearly while being aesthetically pleasing. <br /> <br />3.Scope of Services, Methodologies, Work Products, <br />S: <br />SCOPE, METHODOLOGY, AND WORK PRODUCTS <br />METHODOLOGY <br />Public outreach efforts conducted for general plan updates can range from minimal to extravagant. The key is to strike the right <br />balance for Santa Ana so that outreach is effective but not excessive. The following program is recommended based on our <br />experience with outreach in other jurisdictions. Although the nature and tools of public outreach may vary, the broad objectives <br />and measures of success for conducting outreach for a general plan update remain largely the same: <br />A Set and manage expectations for process <br />• Create sense of trust; transparent, open process <br />a Maximize participation through multiple engagement means (in person and online) <br />• Avoid/minimize bullying; make everyone feel that their input is welcome <br />m Demonstrate that the City is listening <br />• Educate the public on the City's history, socioeconomic and market trends, and fiscal health <br />• Obtain input on the areas of desired change <br />Generate consensus while reducing concerns <br />v Build capacity for future public outreach and education <br />• Engage key stakeholders to perpetuate strategic involvement <br />• Engage those who are typically silent by allowing for a variety of in -person or online input opportunities <br />• Identify and clarify the rationale for decisions <br />• Raise the profile of the General Plan Update and establish a greater connection to current planning issues <br />Creation of a public engagement program that is inclusive, educational, and results oriented will be instrumental to the success of <br />the General Plan Update effort. Based on our experience, the traditional approach to civic engagement is changing, and the roles <br />of the public and government are reversing. Residents increasingly expect their governments to reach out to them, provide <br />information, and solicit their input on important issues. By pairing in -person outreach workshops and meetings with online <br />engagement tools, local governments can distribute information and gather input more effectively and across a broader <br />spectrum of participants. PlaceWorks will bring its knowledge of the City (existing General Plan and community issues) and public <br />participation to this effort to provide overall direction on outreach and to advise the City on engagement strategies and tactics. <br />There are several different outreach tools the City can use to engage the public, including print material, surveys, online <br />engagement, stakeholder interviews, and a General Plan Advisory Group (GPAG). Each one has its own advantages and <br />disadvantages, and we are open to refining the outreach program to best suit your needs. Our scope proposes creation of a <br />Community Outreach and Engagement Plan coupled with the crafting of meaningful content and messaging throughout various <br />stages of the process to help guide the project through the public process and ensure that the public feels they have been <br />REP 17-082: GENERAL PLAN UPDATE AND SUSTAINABILITY- PSS: COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT I PLACEWORKS 5 <br />