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THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY, <br />BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED (CONTRACTORS) <br />(Excludes Products•Completed Operations) <br />This endorsement modifies Insurance pmvidad under the following! <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />t. WHO IS AN INSURED - (SECTION II) Is amended to <br />V include any person or organization that you agree In a <br />"written contract requiring Insurance" to Include as an <br />additional insured on this Coverage Pert, but: <br />a. Only with respect to liability for "bodily injury", <br />"Property damage" or "personal Injury"; and <br />b. If, and only to the extent that, the Injury or damage <br />la caused by acts or omissions of you or your <br />subcontractor In the performance of "your work" to <br />which the "written contract requiring Insurance" <br />applies. The person Or organization does not <br />Quality as an additional Insured with respect to the <br />independent acts or Omissions of such person or <br />organization. <br />2. The Insurance Provided to the additional Insured by <br />this endorsement is limited as follows: <br />a. In the event that the Limits of insurance of this <br />Coverage Part shown in the Declarations extend <br />the limits of liability required by the "written contract <br />requiring Insurance", its Irsurance provided to the <br />additional insured shall be limited to the limits of <br />liability required by that "wrifert contract requiring <br />Insurance". This endorsement shall not Increase <br />the limits of Insurance described in SECTION III <br />LIMITS OF INSURANCE. <br />b. The insurance provided to the additional Insured <br />does not apply to "bodily Injury', •property <br />damage" or "personal Injury" arlairlg out of the <br />rendering of. or failure to render, any professional <br />architectural, engineering or sumaying seNlces, <br />Including! <br />(1) The preparing, approving or falling to prepare or <br />aPProve, maps. shop drawings, opinions, <br />reports, surveys, field orders or change orders, <br />or the Preparing, approving, Or failing to <br />prepare or approve, drawings and <br />speclfl0atlons; and <br />3. The Insurance provided to the additional insured by <br />this endorsement Is excess over any valid and <br />MIIGctlbla other Insurance, whether primary, excess. <br />contingent Or on any Other basis, that Is evelablo to <br />the adtlibonal Insured for a loss we rover under this <br />endorsement. fluweve. if the 'written contract <br />requiring Insurance" 21Pedifically raqui,, that this <br />insurance apply on a primary basis or a Pnmery and <br />on -Contributory basis, this Insurance Is Primary to <br />other Insurance available to the additional Insured <br />which covers that person or organization as a nomad <br />insured for such loss, and WO will not share a11h that <br />Other Insurance. But the insurance PrOvldea to the <br />additional insured by this andomemont Still is excess <br />Over any valid antl Collectible other insurance, whether <br />Primary, excess, contingent Or on any other basis, that <br />is available to the additional insured when that peramq <br />Or organization Is an additional Insured under our,. <br />other Insurance, <br />a, As a condition of coverage provided to the adritiona; <br />Insured by this endorsoment: <br />a, The additional insured must give us written notice <br />as soon as Practicable of an °occOrrenrar" Or an <br />Offense which may result In a claim. To the extent <br />Possible, such notice should inchids: <br />(1)HOW, when and wherp the •nprurronca' or <br />offense took plane: <br />(2)The names and addresses of any Injured <br />Persons and witnesses; and ' <br />I <br />(3) The nature and location of any In)w y m damage <br />arising out Of the "Occurrence" or offere , <br />b. It a claim is made or "suit" brought Against the <br />adddional insured, the additional Insured must <br />(1) Immediately record the spec)lies Of the Claim or <br />"suit" and the date recelved; and <br />(2) Supervisory, inspection, architectural or (2) NOIIiy us as soon as Practicable. <br />anginee•ing activltes. The additional insur `1 <br />WhLst sea to that we <br />c. The insurance receive ,,...written noti Ihe_pi Imo . UK' as shoe provided "badly <br />the Injury- <br />oriel insured as pracdicabl..Qv �vy1`1 <br />Coss not aPPIY to "hodily In)gry" or "prCostly d� <br />damage, caused by "your work" and Included in <br />the "proaucls-completed operations hazard'. �e <br />G C�`C • <br />R2174 CO OIO)) InClutln9 CO <br />P.. iphlnu meudN ul ISO PfW-Iflas, Lx., with its permission. Pops t or2 <br />