<br />Cover Letter
<br />March 20, 2018
<br />Mr. Armando Fernandez
<br />City of Santa Ana
<br />20 CIVIC Center Plaza
<br />3rd Floor Recepiton, floss Annex
<br />SaritaAna, CA92701
<br />Res. Proposal for 0A.Call Engineering Services, RFP No. 17-083
<br />Dear Mn Fernandez and Members of the Selection Panel:
<br />111
<br />765 The City Drive
<br />Suits 260
<br />Orange, California
<br />.92868
<br />TEL 714,839.1030.
<br />FAX 714.621.0368
<br />For more than a. daeade,.KlmloyHorn has.suppprted the City of Santa Ana (Cttyp on a variety of projects to help enhance traffic
<br />oUcuiafion, Improve the City's Infrastructure, and fix local roads, Ourteam is highly capable of supporfing the City's general
<br />ongneedrig needs on the ITS Capital improvement Program, In addition to our team's experience and:passkm to.provide
<br />outstanding supplemental civil engineering support to the City's inhouse staff, we offer you the following:
<br />Local Knowledge, Through our previous on,call contracts and other City solicitations, we have assisted your City with various tasks
<br />which has enabled us to become familiar with your standards, goals, and chailengas related to exxisting infrastructure. Not only hove
<br />we worked closely with City staff on roadway design, traffic, water quality, and utility relocations, we are ounrentiy completing the
<br />Santa Ana Boulevard and 8th Street Protected Bike Lane PS&E contract. We are also assisting the City on two other major projects:
<br />South Me]n Street Corridor [in provomenis and Warns rAvon us improvements. Our depth of dosed knowledge and understanding
<br />will help to streamline our production oft1s, for you.
<br />Seasoned Leadership with Talented Technical Staff to Serve You. As with our previous contracts I, Darren Adrian, P.E„ will
<br />serve as project manager and sole point of oontaot, t have nearly 27' years of experience in civil engineering related to planning,
<br />design, and construction of municipal and transportation facilities, I've managed both small and large projects for municipal clients,
<br />When a task order Is issued, I work with the team to quickly identity the right technical professionals from our staff to address the
<br />task. Kimsey -Horn's staffing resources and current and projected workload ensure that we will meetyourproject schedules and
<br />provide you with the highest level of responsiveness and quality. Wo have partnered with Hazen and Sawyer, Twining, Inc, and
<br />OnPoint Land Survey, Inc, to provide additional expertise to the City, as needed.
<br />Extensive On -Call Experience, On-call contracts require a different approach from typical project -specific contracts. Each task
<br />assigned under an on-call contract will need an indivldualized approach that Includes the various disciplines necessary to complete
<br />the assignment, Our team combines familiarity with conditions In Santa Ana and Orange County and exposure to challenging civil
<br />engineering Issues In other parts of the state and country, providing the City with the highest quality and most cost-effective solutions.
<br />As an officer of the firm, I have authority to bind the firm to this offer, If you should have any questions, please contact me at 714,
<br />705,1304 or dan'emadriangkimlay-horn.com, We look forward to continuing to serve as your on-call civil engineering consultant
<br />Sincerely,
<br />Darren Adr an, P.E,
<br />Project Manager I Vice President
<br />25E-91
<br />Kimley)))Horn
<br />