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COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />13. TEFRA Hearin5 Fee -Housing Develonment Proiec [page 81 <br />Existing Fee: None <br />Proposed Fee: $832.40 <br />This fee will be charged to developers of housing projects that request the City hold a Tax Equity and <br />Financial Responsibility Act JEFRA) hearing for issuance of bonds whereby the bond issuing agency <br />does not provide a share of the associated issuance fees directly to the City (i.e. CA Statewide <br />Communities Development Authority). For those agencies that shares the fees with the City, this new <br />TEFRA Hearing fee will not be charged to the developers. <br />14. TEFRA Hearinp Fee- Non -Housing Development Proiect [page 81 <br />Existing Fee: None <br />Proposed Fee: $644.40 <br />This fee will be charged to developers of non -housing projects that request the City hold a Tax Equity <br />and Financial Responsibility Act JEFRA) hearing for issuance of bonds whereby the bond issuing <br />agency does not provide a share of the associated issuance fees directly to the City (i.e. CA <br />Enterprise Development Authority). For those agencies that shares the fees with the City, this new <br />TEFRA Hearing fee will not be charged to the developers. <br />PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY <br />15. Filming Permit Processing Fee-Studen fpage2l] <br />Existing Fee: None <br />Proposed Fee: $75.00 <br />Proposing a new fee for student film permits this will provide a discount rate for students. <br />75A-2-93 83 <br />