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PLANNING AND BUILDING AGENCY- CONTINUED <br />5. Existing Name: Commercial Rooftop Solar <br />Proi)osed Name: Commercial Rooftoo Solar MW to 5OkW) [page 361 <br />Existing Fee: $1,033.60 <br />Proposed Fee: $1,000.00 <br />Plus each additional kW over 50 kW up to 250 W <br />Existing Fee: $7.24 <br />Proposed Fee: $7.00 <br />Plus each additional kW over 250 kW <br />Existing Fee: $5.17 <br />Proposed Fee: $5.00 <br />Per Assembly Bill No. 1414 approved by the Governor on October 15, 2017, existing solar fees <br />adopted with previous 2015 Assembly Bill No. 2188 are to be amended. Solar fees were <br />implemented in 2015 as a mandate with Assembly Bill No. 2188 and are amended by October 15, <br />2017 Assembly Bill No. 1414. Existing fees shall be amended to the specific requirement of the <br />legislation. <br />6. Existing Name: Commercial Rooftop Solar <br />Proposed Name: Commercial Thermal Systems (1 kWth to 30 kWth) [page 361 <br />Existing Fee: None <br />Proposed Fee: $1,000.00 <br />Plus each additional kWth betweem 30 kWth up to 260 kWth <br />Proposed Fee: $7.00 <br />Plus each additional kWth over 260 kWth <br />Proposed Fee: $5.00 <br />Per Assembly Bill No. 1414 approved bythe Governor on October 15, 2017, existing solarfees <br />adopted with previous 2015 Assembly Bill No. 2188 are to be amended. Solar fees were <br />implemented in 2015 as a mandate with Assembly Bill No. 2188 and are amended by October 15, <br />2017 Assembly Bill No. 1414. Existing fees shall be amended to the specific requirement of the <br />legislation. <br />FIRE <br />7. Existing Name: Emergency Base Rate/Transportation (in Fire Dept -owned vehicle) <br />Proposed Name: EmergencV Base Rate/Transportation [pagel2l <br />Fees: $679.89 <br />Update to modify name to remove "in Fire Dept -owned vehicle" text that is no longer a valid reference. <br />75A-2-96 86 <br />