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BUILDINGS AND PARKING STRUCTURE FROM -THE SCOPE OF THE <br />AGREEMENT (Councilmembers Solorio and Tinajero) <br />The following spoke on the matter: <br />• Joyce Feuerborn, Godinez High School teacher, opined joint use agreement <br />is not working well, and Godinez has first rate academics but second rate <br />athletic facilities; expressed concern school is being charged by City to use <br />its own facilities. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Councilmember Villegas, provided City Council with report on how joint use <br />works with Godinez High School. Noted several facilities are open to free use by <br />the high school. <br />Councilmember Tinajero, asked Staff to clarify if the City of Santa Ana is <br />charging Godinez High School to use their facilities; commented on difficulty of a <br />principal in a school that does not have control of their infrastructure; buildings <br />are owned by the school district, past pressure to include buildings in joint use <br />agreement at the time it was created, and City's request for a land swap for the <br />water tower; opportunity to have school program their own facility use that does <br />not exclude anyone. <br />Director Mouet, noted City does not charge the high school to use joint use <br />facilities, but does charge a miscellaneous fee for field five, six, and part of the <br />soccer complex that is part of the park. Informed City Council the school district <br />charges its own school to use the facilities and how the fees are administered <br />and ultimately transmitted to the school district. <br />Mr. Church, thanked City Council for considering allowing Godinez High School <br />to enhance the security control of the main campus. Requested City Council to <br />amend the joint use agreement, to prioritize use to the high school, and address <br />maintenance costs. <br />Councilmember Solodo, expressed support for all educational institutions; asked <br />if City earns any revenue towards the general funds from joint use reservation <br />services and if there are any community complaints; joint use agreement is over <br />ten years old and needs to be fine-tuned, importance of giving school more <br />control over who comes on campus, and benefit to have school staff more <br />involved. <br />Councilmember Benavides, noted joint use agreement allowed school to build <br />some amenities on the park side with the understanding that it would be open <br />for public use, and priority would be given to the high school; expressed concern <br />that joint use portion of the agreement should be eliminated, possible deed <br />restriction violation if this occurred, and school district water tower land <br />negotiations. <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 24 JUNE 5, 2018 <br />1 OA-24 <br />