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Councilmember Villegas, expressed support for all schools and concern over <br />current parking issues in the community; commended Mater Del for starting <br />parking structure project. Noted inability to support project if City could not afford <br />it. <br />Councilmember Sarmiento, opined City should not assist private school, will only <br />consider supporting item if excess Bristol Street project funds available could not <br />be used for other City needs and is cost neutral to the City. <br />City Manager Godinez, provided City Council with memo from OCTA listing <br />potential options, status of program funding, and alternative funding options. <br />Councilmember Solorio, reflected on inability to differentiate children based on <br />where they attend school; approximately 450 Mater Del students are Santa Ana <br />residents, significant amount of students attend other schools, and need to <br />continued partnering with this and other schools. <br />MOTION: Authorize staff to work with Mater Dei High School and Orange <br />-County-Transportation Authority (OCTA) in identifying and use of OCTA <br />surplus funds, if any, for the campus parking structure expansion. <br />MOTION: Pulido <br />VOTE: AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSTAIN: <br />ABSENT: <br />SECOND: Solorio <br />Benavides, Pulido, Solorio, Villegas (4) <br />Sarmiento, Tinajero (2) <br />None (0) <br />Martinez (1) <br />AGENDA ITEM CONSIDERED OUT OF ORDER <br />85B. DIRECT STAFF TO SUBMIT A LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR THE UPCOMING <br />STATE SENATE HEARING ON CALIFORNIA BILL 2943, THE PROPOSED <br />LAW WOULD CONSIDER THE SALE, OR SELLING OF SERVICES <br />CONSTITUTING SEXUAL ORIENTATION CHANGE EFFORTS AS AN <br />UNLAWFUL BUSINESS PRACTICE (Councilmembers Sarmiento and Tinajero) <br />Councilmember Villegas, opined need to respect people's beliefs and expressed <br />concern how individuals can be told not to seek a counselor. <br />Councilmember Sarmiento, noted conversion therapy services are targeting <br />parents and children and therapy attempts to change an individual's sexual <br />orientation. Expressed concern these services are preying on families. <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 35 JUNE 5, 2018 <br />1 OA-35 <br />