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Every year OCCC produces up to 100 high school diploma graduates, provides paid employment <br />and on the job training to nearly 300 at risk- youth and reduces taxpayer burden for these youth <br />to the savings of $5,617,500 annually (estimate 150 youth X $37,450). <br />OCCC enrolls the neediest at -risk youth as designated by the Santa Ana Youth Council, those who <br />need to learn how to work and go to school. The OCCC is a six to twelve month comprehensive <br />program with various components and strategies designed to guide and support youth into being <br />employable, trainable, self-sufficient adults. The program's support services and paid work <br />experience help the youth to stabilize their lives and help them deal with the many issues they <br />face on a daily basis so they can first maintain their employment and education program. Once <br />the youth become stable and are able to maintain employment and education, they continue to <br />be assisted in furthering their education, improving their work skills, and seeking better <br />employment post -corps, leading to a life of self-sufficiency. <br />A. Provide an overview of the program's main objectives. <br />It is the philosophy of OCCC to engage at risk youth in ways that both support educational <br />attainment and job training while recognizing their need to simultaneously earn a living to <br />support themselves and possibly their family as well. We are able to do this by integrating and <br />supporting education and employment as mutually exclusive goals. We integrate the concept of <br />community service into our services to attract young people and to benefit the community. <br />Furthermore OCCC recognizes the value of young adults as contributing to our economy and <br />society and those at risk young adults that need the support in order to build future generations <br />of contributors. <br />WIOA Corpsmembers will be provided or will obtain services necessary to ensure that youth <br />achieve the ultimate goal of employment. Services include, but are not limited to: <br />• Support services; referrals for legal, medical, substance abuse, health, housing, <br />family/personal guidance and counseling; help with tools, books, clothing, other items needed <br />for interviews, job requirements, advanced training, transportation, etc. <br />• OCCC staff members serve as adult mentors and tutors <br />• Access to the OCCC computer lab, fax, voice mail, and printer for resumes, applications, <br />financial aid, job search, job retention, on-line services <br />• Transition assistance such as: job placement / vocational certification / education <br />opportunities / career guidance <br />The OCCC program is a transitional work/school program that combines work and school daily <br />in a structured, supervised program, inclusive of the following program components: <br />EXHIBIT A <br />