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The OCCC has an onsite counselor with a Master's degree in Guidance and Counseling and a <br />counselor who is has a degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, both will be able to assess and <br />refer the participant to the appropriate facilities for mental health assistance and provide <br />individual and group counseling as needed. <br />D. Describe how your organization will provide or refer youth to comprehensive guidance and <br />counseling for drug and alcohol, etc. <br />When necessary case managers refer participants to local Alcohol Anonymous or Narcotics <br />Anonymous agencies, but it is equally important to note that one of our case managers is a <br />certified drug and alcohol counselor and we also have a Marriage and Family Therapist on staff <br />as well. <br />10. Workshops <br />A. Provide Information about the following workshops and how or when the workshops will <br />be provided to youth in the program. <br />The OCCC provides weekly workshops such as practice interviews, career exploration, personal <br />finance, smoking cessation, parenting skills, customer service, job retention, resume preparation, <br />communication skills, and many other topics. Of most importance, inclose proximity to the OCCC <br />administrative offices, the Education Corps site houses all program services, (education, case <br />management, transition services, follow up, etc.) are delivered. Having all services at one site and <br />in close proximity to the administrative headquarters enhances the coordination of the program <br />and eliminates duplication and redundancy. All instruction will be classroom based; field based, <br />on-line, individual, small/large group, crew based, demonstrations, lectures, packets, guest <br />speakers, and individual research. <br />Financial Literacy/ Budget Management -The Education Corps Charter School provides an entire <br />course on financial literacy. They discuss how to set up a checking and a savings account, how to <br />create a budget, what an IRA is and how to set one up, the math behind compound interest, how <br />to read the fine print on a credit card, how to establish and/or fix one's credit, car loans, and how <br />to file income taxes. <br />Entrepreneur Skills Training- Workshops will be held to identify fundamentals in creating your <br />own business or being an independent contractor. Financial skills, marketing strategies, <br />customer service techniques and basic business organization will be taught. <br />Labor Market Information- A job board is maintained in participant areas and contains current <br />job postings throughout Orange County. Participants also receive a workshop on how to access <br />jobs opportunities online and within newspapers. <br />Family Planning- Planned Parenthood has offered workshops at the OCCC, discussing things like <br />sexual health, birth control, pregnancy, and relationships. Parent -to -Parent has done parenting <br />workshops at the OCCC, complete with childcare for participants' convenience. They discuss how <br />to relate to your child, boundaries and discipline, and nurturing relationships with both children <br />EXHIBIT A <br />