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C. Special consideration for organizations that can leverage funds to provide services to non- <br />WIOA youth participants. <br />All services are open to 18 to 25 year old regardless of WIOA participation. <br />12. Supportive Services <br />A. Will your organization provide supportive services to youth such as gas cards, bus passes, <br />childcare assistance, etc., please describe <br />WIOA participants receive monthly transportation assistance in the form of bus passes or gas <br />cards to help them get to interviews and jobs. When transportation is not possible by bus then it <br />will be provided by OCCC to assist the participant in maintaining employment. OCCC also <br />provides interview attire, work uniforms, advanced training and certificates. Participants can <br />receive many of these services even after they complete the OCCC program. WIOA <br />Corpsmembers will also have access to a full time Placement Specialist who will assist with the <br />placement of WIOA Corpsmembers after their work experience is completed. OCCC is now <br />approved to provide a free daily lunch program for participants starting in the fall of 2015. <br />Childcare is provided by onsite volunteers during school or workshop trainings. <br />B. Include Supportive Service Policy Attachment r <br />See attached Supportive Service Policy <br />13. Incentives <br />A. Will your organization provide incentives to youth for accomplishing program benchmarks <br />or personal goals? If so, please describe <br />Yes, OCCC provides incentives to youth in the program from the onset of completing orientation <br />throughout program service and at completion of service. Please see attachment H for a <br />complete list of incentives <br />B. Include the Incentive Policy as Attachment H. <br />See attached Incentive Policy Attachment H. <br />14 Follow -Up Services <br />A. Elaborate on the type of services that will be provided to youth during each quarter during <br />the 12 month follow-up period. <br />Case Managers continue to provide referrals, bridge community resources as needed and all of <br />our other support services. Case Managers will continue to assess exited participant success and <br />identify barriers that may require assistance in order to maintain retention of employment or <br />continued education. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />