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A. Describe the process used to capture and report fiscal data. <br />The OCCC is regularly monitored and audited by all funding agencies to assure compliance with <br />grant budgetary and expenditure requirements, as well as having an annual independent audit <br />by an outside CPA firm. Over the past five years, the OCCC has consistently received unqualified <br />opinions on all of our annual audits conducted by an independent CPA firm. <br />With multiple revenue streams (federal, state, and local), the OCCC utilizes fund accounting to <br />allocate, capture, and report fiscal data. Fund accounting allows expenses to be tracked and <br />allocated to individual funding sources using a specific fund account and project code(s) for that <br />fund account. The Santa Ana WIOA contract will be assigned a specific fund number and a specific <br />project code. All allowable expenses will be tracked using the assigned project code(s). Direct <br />program costs such as staff time, WIOA participants' salary, employer taxes, and other expenses <br />will be tracked using the appropriate fund and project code(s) on time sheets. <br />We have dedicated accounting software MIP500, timekeeping software NovaTime 3000, and <br />payroll system M3 to manage our fiscal responsibility. We also have several customized <br />program/grant-specific databases (such as the Virtual One Stop system), ClientTrack on-line <br />database, internally developed forms and custom databases to track a wide variety of program <br />and grant outcomes, are utilized. <br />OCCC reports fiscal data to the OCCC's Board of Directors on a monthly basis and invoices <br />contracts on a monthly basis. The OCCC ensures accountability and that expenditures are <br />appropriate and planned. In order for staff to submit a purchase request, it must first be <br />determined that the purchase is within budget and which appropriate fund will be charged for <br />the purchase. All budgets and line item accounts are tracked and maintained on a monthly basis <br />for all OCCC contracts/grants/departments. All purchase requests are reviewed by the Chief <br />Financial Officer before payment is made. Any Purchase Request that appears to be over budget <br />or not planned will be flagged by the Chief Financial Officer and reviewed by the Chief Executive <br />Officer for final disposition. The Chief Financial Officer reviews monthly financials with the entire <br />management team and with the Board of Directors. <br />OCCC invoices between the 20th and the 30th of each month for services provided in the previous <br />month. Invoices are prepared by the Chief Financial Officer and approved by the Chief Executive <br />Officer. All invoices are accompanied with proper supporting documentation. Once all costs for <br />the month have been entered, an invoice is prepared along with all supporting documentation. <br />B. Attach a copy of the organization's procurement policies and procedures, Attachment I. <br />See attachment procurement policies and procedures. <br />C. What systems are used to ensure fiscal accountability, appropriate expenditures, and <br />planned costs? <br />EXHIBIT A <br />