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YSPN MEMBER PERFORMANCE PLAN 2018-2019 <br />Orange County Conservation Corps <br />WIOA YOUTH POPULATION <br />Youth Population <br />Ages <br /># of Youth to be Served <br />In -School <br />16-18 <br />Out -of -School (75% minimum) <br />16-24 <br />22 <br />TOTAL NUMBER OF YOUTH TO BE SERVED <br />22 <br />PROJECTED ENROLLMENTS & EXPENDITURES <br />(NOTE: 100%OF YOUTH MUST BE ENROLLED BY 2No QUARTER-DECEMBER 31, 2018) <br />Quarter <br /># of Enrollments <br />Estimated Expenditures per Quarter <br />per Quarter <br />1" <br />10 <br />$35,000 <br />2" (100% Enrollment Required) <br />12 <br />$45,000 <br />3`. <br />$50,000 <br />4` <br />$50,000 <br />TOTAL <br />$180,000 <br />14 WIOA ELEMENTS <br />PERFORMANCE MEASURES <br />mark <br />a "x" next to the elements provided in your program <br />July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019 <br />(Projected Benchmarks subject to change) <br />X <br />1. Tutoring, study skills training, dropout prevention <br />1. % of Participants who are in education/training, <br />strategies <br />or in unsubsidized employment during the 2nd <br />quarter after exit <br />X <br />2. Alternative secondary school services or dropout <br />recovery <br />Benchmark: 66% <br />X <br />3. Paid & unpaid work experience that have academic <br />2. % of Participants who are in education/training, <br />and occupational components, which may include: <br />or in unsubsidized employment during the 0 <br />summer employment, pre -apprenticeship, internships <br />quarter after exit <br />& job -shadowing, or On -the -Job training (20% of <br />Benchmark: 68% <br />funds must be used for this element) <br />X <br />4. Occupational skills training —priority for recognized <br />3. The median earnings of Participants in <br />credentials aligned with sectors in -demand <br />unsubsidized employment during the 2"d quarter <br />after exit <br />Benchmark. Pending* <br />*Pending further State and Federal guidance. <br />X <br />S. Education offered concurrently with workforce <br />4. % of participants who, during the program, are in <br />preparation activities <br />education or training that leads to a recognized <br />postsecondary credential or employment AND who <br />X <br />6. Leadership development -community service & peer <br />centered activities <br />are achieving measurable skill gains <br />Benchmark: Pending* <br />X <br />7. Supportive Services <br />X <br />8. Adult mentoring <br />*Pending further State and Federal guidance. <br />X <br />9. Follow-up services for not less than 12 months after <br />5. % of Participants who obtain a recognized <br />exit (required) <br />postsecondary credential or secondary diploma <br />during participation OR within 1 year after exit <br />X <br />10, Comprehensive guidance & counseling drug & <br />alcohol, etc. <br />Benchmark: 58% <br />X <br />11. Financial literacy <br />6. Effectiveness in serving employers <br />Benchmark: Pending* <br />X <br />12. Entrepreneurial skills training <br />X <br />13. Labor marker information -career awareness and <br />exploration <br />*Pending further State and Federal guidance. <br />X <br />14. Activities to help youth prepare for and transition <br />to postsecondary education <br />EXHIBIT B <br />