TAIT & Associates, Ing,
<br />On -Call Cnginepring Services
<br />Certifications
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<br />In 11DOWnaCe D'Ith Title 2) United ShI08 Coda 00001111 112 And Pallia (Ralmet Code I 10 Ilia 111DDER
<br />filet lho bid is list mielo In Ilia lowland ox, or oil bolmltor Dow Undisclosed pneon, parinomhip, omnpnny, on
<br />orgilmllon, or curpamdoYg flint ilia bid Is ganulno slid list 00119slvo or 0111113; that 1110191MMIIR 1108 not dl
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<br />rofrAln acm bidding; that ilio 13100311. has net In any minor dimully or Indirectly, wool[ by og
<br />aenununtonllan, of eoli bronoo with unyone to as he bid pdan a('tha SiDDYlli or any IdbI)Iift, or to
<br />overhead, proffl, argent olommnl orthe bid price, m' GHDR ereny olhor DIDDIIN orb tweal oily edmilog
<br />ilia i n ilio body rowdlug Ilia ennr0n IA NY0ll0 Interested in the p Opo0oll weeniah And all etntomroNe Con
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<br />flaleorto otreatunto A collaalro or soil bid.
<br />j Nolo; The abova No l-volluxion Apo l ' k pat of Iha Prapoonl, Signhg this pYhpnsnl on ala eflfufuro
<br />porlion lli cor0hnll also Dealt Dig Y lu milds NOn•onlinnlon A1. 110111 ItIDDBRS nye, a Redound lirnl
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<br />signed
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<br />proved to ma on ilia hauls or snfefNetory arhloma to be Ilio pmaan(a)"who npponral
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<br />Appendix I page 24
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