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.'SAY.7 <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT <br />Insurance Company ft�l s Swy nswv'"C,u <br />This endorsement modifies such insurance as is offered by the provisions of Policy Number; <br />_SJP DOP-1 4'1- Oilelating to the following: <br />1. The City of Santa Ana, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California 92701, it <br />officers, employees, agents and representative are named as additional insureds <br />("additional insureds") with regard to liability and defense of suits arising from the <br />operations and uses performed by or on behalf of the named insured. <br />2. With respect to claims arising out of the operations and uses performed by or on <br />behalf of the named insured, such insurance as is afforded by this policy is <br />primary and is not additional to or contributing with any other insurance carried by <br />or for the benefit of the additional insureds. <br />3. This insurance applies separately to each insured against whom claim Is made or <br />suit Is brought except with respect to the company's limits of liability, The inclusion of <br />any person or organization as an insured shall not affect any right which such <br />person or organization would have as a claimant if not so included. <br />With respect the additional insureds, this Insurance shall not be cancelled, or <br />materially reduced in coverage or limits except after thirty (30) days written notice <br />has been given to the City of Santa Ana, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California <br />82701. <br />(Completlan of the following, Including countersignature, is requited to make this endorsement effeotive.) <br />Effective Tglrl A,,' I a4, t,k , this endorsement form part of <br />Policy# P'o0 —11104i <br />Issued to (Name InsuredA-KOC A-r-'� 1pic . <br />Countersigned by "Z�l <br />REVIEWED BY: EUNICE HEREDIA (PG# 0f } . <br />