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INSURED: Tait & Associates, Inc. <br />POLICY #: SP002747022018 <br />POLICY PERIOD: 09/01/2018 <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED/PRIMARY COVERAGE <br />INCLUDING COMPLETED OPERATIONS <br />(CGL & CONTRACTORS POLLUTION COVERAGE) <br />TO: 09/01/2019 <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />This endorsement modifies the Specialty Package Policy. <br />In consideration of the premium charged, it is agreed that: <br />SECTION III — WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an Additional Insured the person or organization shown in the <br />schedule below as respects Coverages A, B and D, but only for liability arising out of Your Work or Covered Operations <br />performed by you or on your behalf for that Additional Insured and not due to any actual or alleged independent liability <br />of said Additional Insured. <br />This endorsement does not apply to Bodily Injury. Property Damage or Loss arising out of the sole negligence or willful <br />conduct of, or for defects in design furnished by the Additional Insured. <br />As respects the coverage afforded the Additional Insured, this insurance is primary and non-contributory where a written <br />contract or written agreement in effect prior to any related Claim requires you to provide such coverage. When this <br />insurance is primary and non-contributory, our obligations are not affected by any other insurance carried directly by such <br />additional insured whether it is primary or excess coverage. <br />However, regardless of the provisions above: <br />We will not extend any insurance coverage to the additional Insured person or organization: <br />(1) That is not provided to you in this Policy; or <br />(2) That is broader coverage than you are required to provide to the additional Insured person or organization in the <br />written contract or written agreement. <br />This endorsement does not increase the Company's Limits of Insurance as specified in the Declarations of the Policy. <br />SCHEDULE OF ADDITIONAL INSUREDS <br />As required by written contract in effect prior to any related Claim <br />SPP 0024 (Ed. 06 12) Page 1 of 1 <br />REVIEWED BY: EUNICE HEREDIA (PG ZOF <br />