Tire undersigned Consultant or corporate officer, during the performance of^this contract, oerdrjjas as
<br />t'nllows+
<br />1. Tho G'onsiltant shalt not dlacrlrnluata against any Cmyloygo or applicant firr ampinYmcut bboauso of
<br />race, color, religion,.: sex, or, national origin. The Consultant shall take afl3rrnativ0 action to ensure
<br />ihat.apielleants are employed, and that employees, ore treated during omploysuord without regard to
<br />tbdit rsop; color, religion, sex, or nation! nrigia, ,Such action shall 9noiuclu, but not ble 11M to, the
<br />tbllowingr erilploynieni, upgrading, domodarij or transfer; racrulmont or reoruitmant Advertising,
<br />iayoff,or ronninaboe; rates Of pay or Ofl or idreas of oomponsationi ark! sel'ootion for training,
<br />ncluding apprAutlCashlp, The Consultant Agrees. to. post In consplcuous plants, available to.
<br />employees and applicants for' employment,; dodoes to be provvided sotting Furth the provisions of this,
<br />nnudivorlmination clause,
<br />2, Tile Consultant shell, ill all 901411tailona or advertisements for anpioyees placed by or on behalf of
<br />the Consultant, state that all quallflgd appllonota will receive Consideration for ampioymetitwlthorn
<br />regard to race, color, religion, sox" ornational origin.
<br />3. `Ilse Consaltant shall Mil to each labor union or represonkillve, ofwotkers with which ho/she has a
<br />collective bargaitling agreement or other Contract of 141derstunding,a notice to be providCiLadvlmhfg
<br />the said labor union or workers' ropeesenurtivca of the Corrardtaki's commitments under this section;
<br />and shall post copies of the entice in completions places available to employees and applicants for
<br />oniployment.
<br />d. The Consultant shall comply with nil provisions of 13x0cntivo Order 11246 of Septomber 24, 1965,
<br />and of tire rules, regulations, and rolovantorders of the limrotary rif Labor,
<br />5• Tile Coh'sultam shall furnish all hi£orrusion and reports required by Meoulive Order 1124E of
<br />Soptombor 24, 1965; and by rules, r'ogulations, and orders of the Secretary of Labor, or pursuant
<br />thereto! And will ))$fruit access to Itts/lier books; reoorda, and accounts by tine administering Agency
<br />Ono the Storotary, of Labor for purposes of investigation, to
<br />regulations, and orders. ascertain compliance with each rules,
<br />6, it the event of the Consultant's ntill-OOMPlIallea with the nnndisoriminatien clauses of this coub"I
<br />Of will'ally of the said rules, regutaticns, at orders, the contract may be canceled, terminated, or
<br />suspondod In whole or in hart and the Conguhaut may be declared ineligible for further Goveramant
<br />contracts or todoralty assisted construction oontroots in Accordarioo with procedures aunholized ill b'xeoution Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sartotions may be hnposed and
<br />remedies Invoked as provided In Exeeadie Order 11246 of Soptembor 24, 1965, or by role,
<br />regulations, of order it'tho Secretary of Labor, urns Otherwise provided bylaw.
<br />7, The C4naullatrt shall include the portion of the sontonoe Immediately preceding paragraph (1) and
<br />the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (7) in every subcontract or purohawo order rerloss oxempwd
<br />