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T RAFFIC I MPACT A NALYSIS <br />S EPTEMBER 2017 <br />C HRIST O UR S AVIOR C ATHOLIC P ARISH <br />S ANTA A NA , O RANGE C OUNTY , C ALIFORNIA <br /> <br />P:\DOM1701\doc\Traffic Impact Analysis.docx «09/20/17» 15 <br />trip assignment is limited to Alton Avenue. Figure 7 illustrates the project trip assignment based on <br />the project trip generation and the trip distribution identified above during the weekday a.m. and <br />p.m. peak hours. Figure 8 illustrates the additional trips possible during Sunday morning Church <br />services. <br />EXISTING PLUS PROJECT CONDITIONS <br />Traffic generated by the project was added to the existing traffic volumes at the study area <br />intersections. Figure 9 shows the resulting existing plus project a.m. and p.m. peak-hour traffic <br />volumes. Figure 10 shows Sunday morning traffic volumes with the proposed Church. Both figures <br />also include the anticipated traffic volume from the proposed residential project. <br />Existing Plus Project Intersection Level of Service Analysis <br />Table D summarizes the results of the existing plus project a.m. and p.m. peak-hour LOS analysis for <br />all study area intersections. As Table D indicates, all study area intersections are anticipated to <br />operate at an acceptable LOS (i.e., LOS D or better) in both the existing a.m. and p.m. peak hours <br />with implementation of the project. <br />Table D: Existing Plus Project Intersection Level of Service Summary <br />Intersection AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Sunday Morning <br />ICU/Delay LOS ICU/Delay LOS ICU/Delay LOS <br />Existing <br />1. Raitt Street/Alton Avenue 0.60 B 0.51 A 0.22 A <br />2. Jaguar Way/Project Driveway1 N/A – N/A – N/A – <br />3. Jaguar Way/Proposed Residential Driveway1 N/A – N/A – N/A – <br />4. Jaguar Way/MacArthur Boulevard 0.72 C 0.54 A 0.17 A <br />5. Project Driveway/Alton Avenue1 0.0 sec A 0.0 sec A 9.1 sec A <br />Existing Plus Project <br />1. Raitt Street/Alton Avenue 0.60 B 0.52 A 0.24 A <br />2. Jaguar Way/Project Driveway1 11.8 sec B 8.6 sec A 0.0 sec A <br />3. Jaguar Way/Proposed Residential Driveway1 31.8 sec D 9.9 sec A 10.4 sec B <br />4. Jaguar Way/MacArthur Boulevard 0.73 C 0.55 A 0.25 A <br />5. Project Driveway/Alton Avenue1 0.0 sec A 9.6 sec A 9.2 sec A <br />Source: LSA (September 2017). <br />1 Unsignalized intersection <br />ICU = intersection capacity utilization <br />LOS = level of service <br />sec = seconds <br />N/A = not applicable; intersection does not exist <br /> <br />As stated previously, a residential project with an access driveway on Jaguar Way has been <br />approved, but is not currently built. Therefore, as seen in Tables A and D, there is no delay at Jaguar <br />Way/Proposed Residential Driveway in the existing condition. With the addition of residential and <br />Church traffic during the weekdays and on Sundays, the residential driveway on Jaguar Way is not <br />expected to experience significant delay, according to the City’s guidelines. <br />3-66