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T RAFFIC I MPACT A NALYSIS <br />S EPTEMBER 2017 <br />C HRIST O UR S AVIOR C ATHOLIC P ARISH <br />S ANTA A NA , O RANGE C OUNTY , C ALIFORNIA <br /> <br />P:\DOM1701\doc\Traffic Impact Analysis.docx «09/20/17» 20 <br />Based on the City’s criteria for determining significant traffic impacts, the project will not result in a <br />significant impact at any of the study area intersections. <br />SPECIAL ISSUES <br />Special Event Traffic <br />Based on information the Church provided, the sanctuary and parish hall in the proposed project <br />may occasionally host special events (e.g., baptisms, quinceañeras, weddings, and funerals). <br />Baptisms and quinceañeras would be held on Saturday generally between the hours of 10:00 a.m. <br />and 3:00 p.m. Weddings could be held on Friday (daytime or evening) or on Saturday within the <br />hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Because of scheduled religious services on Saturday evenings, <br />weddings do not take place Saturday evening. Funerals could be held on weekdays, typically <br />beginning at 10:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m., or on Saturday within the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. <br />Attendance at these special events would be between 50 and 200 people. Trip generation for a <br />200-person special event would be less than the trip generation analyzed above for Sunday services. <br />Each of the analyzed intersections was projected to operate at a satisfactory LOS during Sunday <br />services and would similarly be anticipated to operate at a satisfactory LOS during a special event. <br />Project Access <br />As discussed under Project Description, access to the project site is currently provided via a <br />driveway off the south leg of Raitt Street/Alton Avenue and a gated right-in/right-out driveway on <br />Alton Avenue. The project will reconstruct the intersection of the main entry driveway with Raitt <br />Street to provide more turn-around space. The project proposes to add a gate to the Church side of <br />the access. The project will maintain the existing right-in/right-out driveway and gate from Alton <br />Avenue. An additional driveway is proposed, connecting to Jaguar Way, to provide options and split <br />traffic volume generated by weekend Church services. This southern driveway will be gated and <br />closed on weekdays. <br />The gates on all three driveways will be open during Church services on Sunday. The gate at the <br />primary entrance will stay open during business hours. The gate on the northern right-in/right-out <br />driveway will be open during weekday morning, Saturday evening, and Sunday services. The gate at <br />the southern driveway will be closed on weekdays but will be open Saturday and Sunday. According <br />to the HCM analysis, all three driveways are anticipated to operate at satisfactory LOS during the <br />weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours and the Sunday morning peak hour. <br />On the typical weekdays and Sundays analyzed, the access driveways are anticipated to operate at <br />satisfactory LOS and queues are not expected to form. During individual days of higher-than-normal <br />attendance (i.e., Easter and Christmas) queues are known to form entering churches. The proposed <br />site plan has 285 feet from the primary entrance to Alton Avenue and 465 feet from the southern <br />entrance to the parking lot to MacArthur Boulevard, for a total of 750 feet of potential queue <br />storage. This limits the potential for Church queues to impact adjacent arterial intersections on <br />these busiest days. <br />3-71