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T RAFFIC I MPACT A NALYSIS <br />S EPTEMBER 2017 <br />C HRIST O UR S AVIOR C ATHOLIC P ARISH <br />S ANTA A NA , O RANGE C OUNTY , C ALIFORNIA <br /> <br />P:\DOM1701\doc\Traffic Impact Analysis.docx «09/20/17» 1 <br />TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS <br />CHRIST OUR SAVIOR CATHOLIC PARISH <br />LSA has prepared the following analysis to identify the potential traffic impacts resulting from the <br />development of the Christ Our Savior Catholic Parish property (project) in Santa Ana, Orange <br />County, California. LSA has prepared this analysis consistent with the City of Santa Ana (City) <br />Capacity Calculations and Level of Service Standards and applicable provisions of the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). <br />INTRODUCTION <br />The purpose of this traffic impact analysis (TIA) is to identify potential traffic and circulation impacts <br />associated with the development of the Christ Our Savior Catholic Parish (Church). Figure 1 shows <br />the project location. In accordance with the approved Scope of Work (August 4, 2017), this limited <br />scope TIA has been prepared because the proposed project is less intense than the project analyzed <br />in the previously certified Armstrong Ranch Development Project Environmental Impact Report <br />(Armstrong Ranch EIR) in June 2002. As such, an analysis of significant traffic impacts to City streets <br />and intersections has already been conducted, and an access analysis will suffice to address the <br />remaining traffic concerns. The issues addressed in this analysis include the performance of the <br />project access intersections and interface with the arterial street system. The traffic analysis for the <br />project examines two scenarios: <br />1. Existing conditions <br />2. Existing plus project conditions <br />A residential project with 42 single-family homes is proposed on the property adjacent to and south <br />of the project site. This project is in the approval process with the City as a separate application. <br />However, the sale of the property for the residential project by the Church facilitates development <br />of the Church project. Both projects are likely to proceed through construction on a similar timeline. <br />Therefore, traffic volume associated with the residential project is included in the existing plus <br />project conditions in this analysis. <br />Project Description <br />The existing site consists of a 4,770-square-foot (sf) sanctuary with 396 seats, 2,420 sf of office <br />space, and 3,700 sf of courtyard space. The project proposes to demolish the existing sanctuary, <br />office, and courtyard spaces and construct a 19,427 sf sanctuary with 1,250 seats, a 6,004 sf parish <br />center, 4,850 sf of meeting rooms, a 16,024 sf parish hall, a 23,956 sf courtyard, and a 19,346 sf <br />garden. The new sanctuary, parish center, and meeting rooms will be constructed first, followed by <br />demolition of the existing structures and construction of the parish hall. <br />3-52