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City of Santa Ana <br />3. Findings Regarding Project Alternatives <br />Ultimately, three scenarios representing a range of reasonable alternatives were selected for <br />detailed analysis and carried forward in the MEMU EIR: <br />• Alternative 1- No Project/Reasonably Foreseeable Development (Continuation of <br />Existing General Plan): Under this alternative, development in the project area would occur <br />under the existing General Plan and zoning designations. <br />• Alternative 2 - Higher Intensity Commercial Project: This alternative would permit a higher <br />intensity of commercial development and a corresponding decrease in residential density for <br />projects proposed within the Overlay Zone relative to the proposed overlay plan. This <br />alternative would reduce the number of residences (by approximately half) and increase <br />employment opportunities as a result of more commercial/office sues. <br />Alternative 3 - Reduced Project: This alternative would allow development at a maximum <br />Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.25 for each developable parcel within the Overlay Zone without <br />consideration of residential density. The anticipated mix of commercial, office, and residential <br />land uses would be identical to the proposed project; however, a maximum FAR would be <br />established that would limit development potential and, therefore, density and height. Under <br />this alternative there would be no differentiation between different areas (districts) in the <br />Overlay Zone. <br />The 2007 MEMU EIR found that each of these alternatives would reduce some potential impacts. <br />Alternative 1 would achieve some of the project objectives, but would not achieve others (or would <br />achieve them to a lesser degree than the proposed project). Alternative 2 would achieve all of the <br />project objectives, similar to the proposed project. Alternative 3 would achieve some of the project <br />objectives, but would not improve the jobs/housing balance within the City to the level provided by <br />the proposed project. <br />An EIR must identify the environmentally superior alternative to the proposed project from among <br />the range of reasonable alternatives. This would ideally be the alternative that results in few <br />significant and unavoidable impacts. State CEQA Guidelines Section 15126(d)(2) states that if the <br />environmentally superior alternative is the no project alternative, the EIR shall also identify an <br />environmentally superior alternative from among the other alternatives. + <br />Alternative 1 does not reduce any of the proposed project's significant impacts to less -than - <br />significant levels; however, it does lessen the severity of many of the impacts. Similarly, Alternatives <br />2 and 3 would reduce the potential impacts of the proposed project, although not to the same degree <br />as Alternative 1. Alternative 1 would therefore be environmentally superior as it would reduce <br />significant impacts associated with air quality, noise, and transportation. <br />The proposed MEMU Overlay Zone expansion area would result in essentially the same significant <br />impacts as were identified for the proposed project in the 2007 MEMU EIR. Therefore, the range of <br />alternatives identified and analyzed are applicable to the modification of the project in this SEIR. As <br />discussed above, Alternatives 1, 2, and 3 would each achieve at least some of the project objectives <br />and would reduce the severity of some potential impacts. However, none of these alternatives would <br />reduce significant impacts to less -than -significant levels. Alternative 1 would remain the <br />environmentally superior alternative as it would reduce significant impacts associated with air <br />quality, noise, and transportation. Thus, the findings from the 2007 MEMU EIR'for each of these <br />alternatives are applicable to the proposed project and are included below. <br />Metro East Mixed -Use Overlay District Expansion and Elan August 2018 - <br />Development Projects 3-4 ICF 19.18 <br />Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />