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COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS <br />Chairman Tinajero shared his support of making the Police Department more appealing to lateral <br />applicants, without negatively effecting the City, and asked that staff consider recruiting laterals <br />from Fresno Police Department. Chairman Tinajero commended the good work and adjustments <br />made to SAMC 10-153. In regards to the Fourth of July, Chairman Tinajero thanked staff for their <br />enforcement efforts and for locating hotspots of illegal firework activity. Additionally, Chairman <br />Tinajero shared that while the City was sensitive to the originally intended positive impact of the <br />Orange County Needle Exchange Program, the City will remain opposed of its reimplementation <br />for the time being. Chairman Tinajero stated that all concerns shared by the public are one of his <br />top priorities, while reassuring them that all concerns would be addressed and asked that staff <br />provide an update on implementing a plan. Lastly, Chairman Tinajero shared details about an <br />opportunity for the City to partner with the Santa Ana Unified School District to apply for grant <br />funding, and asked that staff provide a report on grant applications. He explained that if there is a <br />park adjacent to any riverbed, the City can apply for fimding to help clean up the park and address <br />homeless concerns. <br />Co -Chair Villegas shared his strong support in recruiting and hiring of more police officers, and <br />reaffirmed the importance of ample police staffing, and the impact it has on the community. In <br />regards to the Orange County Needle Exchange, Co -Chair Villegas agreed that the Program was <br />not as successful as intended, during its initial implementation. Co -Chair Villegas congratulated <br />Chief Black on his recent promotion, thanked staff for their hard work and presentations, and <br />confirmed his commitment to addressing the fires in the creek bed. <br />The Committee members were engaged in the discussions, expressed interest in the presentations, <br />and asked for some items to be brought back for further dialogue. <br />FUTURE ITEMS <br />ADJOURNMENT — 7:10 P.M. <br />2DAVID�;VALENTIN <br />Chief of Police <br />�e <br />