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and omissions of persons directly employed by Consultant. Consultant's obligation <br />to pay its subconsultant(s) is an independent obligation from City's obligation to <br />make payments to the Consultant. <br />b. Consultant shall perform the work contemplated with resources available within its <br />own organization and no portion of the work pertinent to this Agreement shall be <br />subcontracted without written authorization by City, except that which is expressly <br />identified in the approved Cost Proposal. <br />C. Consultant shall pay its subconsultants within ten (10) calendar days from receipt <br />of each payment made to Consultant by City. <br />d. All subcontracts entered into as a result of this Agreement shall contain all the <br />provisions stipulated in this Agreement to be applicable to subconsultants. <br />C. Any substitution of subconsultant(s) must be approved in writing by City prior to <br />the start of work by the subconsultant(s). <br />19. EQUIPMENT PURCHASE <br />a. Prior authorization in writing by City shall be required before Consultant enters <br />into any unbudgeted purchase order, or subcontract exceeding $5,000 for supplies, <br />equipment, or consultant services. Consultant shall provide an evaluation of the <br />necessity or desirability of incurring such costs. <br />b. For purchase of any item, service or consulting work not covered in Consultant's <br />Cost Proposal and exceeding $5,000 prior authorization by City, three competitive <br />quotations must be submitted with the request, or the absence of bidding must be <br />adequately justified. <br />C. Any equipment purchased as a result of this Agreement is subject to the following <br />condition: "Consultant shall maintain an inventory of all nonexpendable property. <br />Nonexpendable property is defined as having a useful life of at least two years and <br />an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more. If the purchased equipment needs <br />replacement and is sold or traded in, City shall receive a proper refund or credit at <br />the conclusion of the Agreement, or if the Agreement is terminated, Consultant may <br />either keep the equipment and credit City in an amount equal to its fair market <br />value, or sell such equipment at the best price obtainable at a public or private sale, <br />in accordance with established City procedures and credit City in an amount equal <br />to the sales price. If Consultant elects to keep the equipment, fair market value <br />shall be determined at Consultant's expense, on the basis of a competent <br />independent appraisal of such equipment. Appraisals shall be obtained from an <br />appraiser mutually agreeable to by City and Consultant. If it is determined to sell <br />the equipment, the terms and conditions of such sale must be approved in advance <br />by City." 2 CFR, Part 200 requires a credit to Federal funds when participating <br />equipment with a fair market value greater than $5,000 is credited to the project. <br />Page 10 of 14 <br />