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the Grant Programs with SCAG. We received $325,000 to move forward with the initial <br />part of the plan. Staff and the City are excited to move this project forward. <br />Mr. Carvajal provided a report of the projects they have accomplished since July 2018. <br />They are working to complete the Policy Framework with an anticipated date of <br />adoption to coincide with the General Plan in March 2020. <br />Mr. Carvajal explained that in the past year they have worked with various groups in <br />the community and a consultant to compile information of what our residents want the <br />City to be. They met with a specialized group to fine-tune those conversations and <br />produced a summary that was presented to City Council a year ago. <br />Council Committee comments, question and answer period ensued. <br />Council Committee Chair Martinez thanked staff for their commitment and hard work. <br />The staff working on bringing new innovations. The Strategic Plan talks about that. The <br />City has very talented staff, from the ground level up. The staff who are on the ground <br />level every day assisting the community are intelligent, understand the culture and <br />capitalized on that talent. Every employee should have their hands and share the <br />same vision. <br />Council Committee Member Benavides encouraged Mr. Thai to keep it going. It is <br />vibrant and refreshing to see the work his team has put together. Asked how many <br />consultants have worked with Planning and Building. Council Committee Member <br />Benavides requested that when they bring the item to City Council, include the rolls, <br />next steps, identify ideas, vision and include South Bristol. Council Committee Member <br />Benavides thanked staff for their work. <br />4. Update on the YMCA RFP {Strategic Plan No. 3, 5a) (Steven A. Mendoza, CDA) <br />Steven Mendoza, Executive Director of Community Development, reminded the <br />Committee of the challenge to pair two of the proposers. The Developers, Howard <br />CDM partnership with OCSA and Caribou Industries, submitted their concerns in <br />writing that were not able to come together for a unified proposal. Mr. Mendoza <br />explained the financial investment and extensive work needed in order to bring the <br />YMCA building up -to -code. <br />Council Committee comments, question and answer period ensued. <br />Council Committee Member Benavides expressed that both proposals bring something <br />to the community, Educational, Community Service, Hospitality. He would like to see <br />the YMCA bring back to life and be open to the general public. Recommended to bring <br />both proposers to full Council for additional guidance. <br />Council Committee Chair Martinez agreed with Council Committee Member Benavides <br />to bring the both proposals to full Council. Recommended that both proposers make <br />some innovative changes - something for historical purposes, something that will <br />celebrate education and family, something that will share economy and space. <br />October 8, 2018 (Economic Development, Infrastructure, Budget & Technology Minutes <br />13A-21 <br />