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Dan Maldonado reported on policy issues, immigration and border wall, which will be <br />discussed in the future at the Federal level. <br />Leslie reported on Census 2020 — Controversial question about citizenship. California <br />and other states have filed suit and funding for census. <br />Vice Chair Martinez inquired about LGBTQ community as it pertains to housing and <br />the homeless. Dan responded that funds are being allocated for LGBTQ. Leslie will <br />check to ensure they are not missing anything. <br />Vice Chair Martinez inquired about workforce/housing dollars. H&K responded that the <br />County and workforce investment board will distribute. Needs to be a coalition of all <br />34 cities to move forward and make sure all cities get their money. Santa Ana will be <br />impacted. <br />State Legislative Update from Townsend Public Affairs - Casey Elliott spoke about <br />opportunity zones program: California has 880 tracts to participate in program that are <br />eligible for tax. Tax breaks available for private financing in those zones; Santa Ana <br />secured 11 censured tracts under opportunity zone. <br />Vice Chair Martinez asked how the City can partner with school districts to provide <br />open space, skate parks, community gardens and how funds can be utilized to <br />purchase property. Casey will provide follow up on the details. <br />Chair Sarmiento stated that there's a need to incorporate and track County items is <br />doing as it is becoming adversarial with regard to funding and how it impacts Santa <br />Ana. <br />Jorge Garcia indicated that City Manager's Office would present an option for County <br />tracking. This committee recommended the legislative platform to the entire City <br />Council. This body cannot act on behalf of the Council, but can make <br />recommendations if something is specifically outlined in the platform, Council has <br />authorized committee to take position. If not outlined, take back to Council. Can refine <br />the process further. <br />3. Review and Take a Position on Legislative Bills <br />Jorge Garcia reported that the legislative matrix covers 35 pages of items. He outlined <br />a few items obtain feedback as to what the Committee is looking for. He stated that all <br />support or opposition letters are now sent to entire City Council and EMT. <br />Vice Chair Martinez stated the matrix is fantastic and recommended setting a policy so <br />the Committee can say this is what we support so Council can affirm. Chair Sarmiento <br />agreed, stated this is really good information. He recommended we augment with <br />positions with groups like the League of California Cities to help us take positions. <br />Committees shouldn't have ability to circumvent Council, but should be able to take a <br />position. <br />Legislative Affairs, Ethics, Transparency and Communications Council Committee Meeting Minutes <br />TIN24 <br />