<br />c. Firm and Team Experience
<br />+ American Concrete Institute (ACI) Concrete Field
<br />Testing Technician Grade 1 #00039898
<br />+ International Code Council (ICC) Reinforced
<br />Concrete, Structural Masonry, Prestressed
<br />Concrete, Structural Steel and Bolting, Structural
<br />Steel and Welding Inspector #5230739
<br />+ Nuclear Gauge Operator Certification
<br />Joe has over 39 years of construction industry;
<br />experience. He worked for 19 years as a concrete
<br />estimator and general construction estimator in
<br />the Inland Empire. Other experience includes work
<br />for a concrete construction company as a cement'
<br />mason and concrete form carpenter. His skills
<br />include estimating, proposal preparation, purchasing,
<br />dispatch, field support and operations coordination.
<br />As a special inspector, Joe's responsibilities include
<br />inspection of concrete, masonry and structural steel
<br />welding and bolting.
<br />+ Mesa Water District Finished Water Quality
<br />Polishing System, Costa Mesa, CA: Cast -in-place
<br />concrete inspection during installation of a sodium
<br />bisulfite (SBS) storage and feed system at the Mesa
<br />Water Reliability Facility (MWRF) for finished water
<br />aesthetic improvements, installation of a degasifier
<br />Clean in Place (CIP) system, modifications to the
<br />existing 20,000 PPD carbon dioxide system, and
<br />improvements to post treatment chloramination
<br />controls.
<br />+ Whittier Narrows Operation Unit, Whittier, CA:
<br />Concrete quality control during construction of a
<br />new combined treated potable water storage tank
<br />and Chlorine Contact (CCT), and treated water
<br />pump station at the existing groundwater treatment
<br />plant. The plant supplies disinfected treated water
<br />to the San Gabriel Valley Water Company potable
<br />water distribution system. The project is under the
<br />jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency,
<br />Region 9, under Response Action Contract 3 Full
<br />Service (RAC 3 FS).
<br />+ City of Del Mar City Hall, Del Mar, CA: Cast -in-
<br />place concrete inspection during construction of the
<br />new $17.8 million city hall consisting of an 8,855 SF
<br />City of Santa Ana RFP No. 18-045, Geotechnical Engineering Services
<br />SCST Proposal No. 180308
<br />City Hall for administrative functions and a 3,104 SF
<br />Town Hall with a seating capacity for up to 250 people
<br />and a 934 SF breezeway. The project also features
<br />a single story, 35,859 SF parking structure for 96
<br />vehicles which supports the two on -deck buildings.
<br />Other elements include a 15,000 SF public plaza with
<br />trellises, pavers, planters, landscaping, and irrigation;
<br />a CMU wall; retaining walls; surface parking for an
<br />additional 45 vehicles; metal gates; and off-site street
<br />improvements. The project also includes a solar and
<br />battery energy system that will provide nearly all the
<br />facility's power when the sun is shining.
<br />+ Carlsbad/Vista Interceptor Sewer, Reaches 116-
<br />15 and the Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station,
<br />Carlsbad and Vista, CA: Cast -in-place concrete and
<br />structural steel welding inspection during construction
<br />of the $42.5 million project which included a new
<br />33 gallon per day sewage lift station to replace the
<br />existing station, which was the City of Carlsbad's
<br />largest lift station, as well as the replacement of an
<br />existing wood trestle bridge over the Agua Hedionda
<br />Lagoon with a new 140 -foot long steel truss bridge
<br />to support the pipeline. Other features included the
<br />construction of a new parallel force main and gravity
<br />sewer to provide increased capacity and reliability
<br />to the sewer system. The new gravity sewer was
<br />constructed within the right-of-way of Avenue Encinas
<br />and a portion of the new sewer required installation
<br />by microtunneling. The new force main construction
<br />utilized a combination of standard construction
<br />methods and Horizontal Directional Drilling to avoid
<br />existing utilities. The new sewer bridge was designed
<br />to accommodate the occasional maintenance vehicle
<br />and is suitable for use by the Coastal Rail Trail project
<br />as necessary.
<br />+ Coachella Public Library, Coachella, CA: Structural
<br />steel welding inspection during construction of the
<br />design/build library project consists of a one-story,
<br />15,000 SF building. The library features computer
<br />labs, library circulation, study rooms, office space,
<br />group meeting rooms, and lab workshop areas.
<br />25B-168
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