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embankment fill, structure and wall backfill, utility trench backfill, subgrade, aggregate <br />subbase, aggregate base, materials. <br />Field sampling and in-place density testing will be performed during asphalt pavement <br />construction. Asphalt production plant inspection and sampling will be performed to <br />evaluate conformance with project specifications. Laboratory testing of raw aggregate <br />and completed mix samples will include sieve analysis, sand equivalent, percent as- <br />phalt, film stripping, CKE, swell, and maximum density per the Construction Manual <br />and project specifications. <br />Field sampling and testing of concrete structures and paving during construction. Our <br />field testing services will include sampling of concrete, and evaluating the temperature, <br />penetration, air content, and unit weight. Concrete cylinders will be cast during con- <br />crete placement for structures and will be transported to our laboratory for compressive <br />strength testing. Concrete beams will be cast during concrete paving and transported to <br />our laboratory for flexural strength testing. Concrete batch plant inspection and sam- <br />pling will be performed to obtain raw aggregate samples for acceptance testing and to <br />evaluate the batch plant operation for conformance with project specifications. Labora- <br />tory testing of aggregate samples will include sieve analysis, sand equivalent, and <br />cleanness value per the Construction Manual, Standard Specifications, and project <br />Special Provisions. Further, specialized tests, such as L.A. rattler, durability index, spe- <br />cific gravity, etc., will be performed upon request by the Resident Engineer. <br />Field inspection of the construction materials, both during fabrication/ erec- <br />tion/construction and after construction completion (finish project inspections) <br />performed by inspectors registered with the County of Orange and other agencies <br />(ICC, AWS-CWI). Inspections may include: <br />• Reinforced concrete, including foundations, cast -in-place concrete structures, and <br />miscellaneous concrete construction. <br />• Structural masonry, including retaining walls, sound walls, building and site walls <br />• Onsite and fabrication shop welding and bolting of structural steel. <br />• Non -Destructive Testing (ultrasonic, magnetic particle and dye penetrant) <br />• Roofing, painting and coating <br />• Laboratory testing on collected construction material samples in accordance with the appro- <br />priate California Test, AASHTO, and ASTM test methods and utilizing our Caltrans and <br />AASTHO certified laboratories. Laboratory testing may include maximum dry density and <br />optimum moisture content of the soils to be placed as fill or backfill; compressive strength <br />testing of the concrete, and conformance testing (including sieve analyses, sand equivalent, <br />R -value, cleanness value and durability tests) on the proposed aggregate subbase, aggre- <br />gate base, asphalt concrete, and concrete pavement. Testing will be performed at <br />frequencies required by the Caltrans Construction Manual and/or applicable project specifi- <br />cations. <br />• Preparation of daily reports and other memoranda to summarize the field operations and <br />test results. Our reports will include the information required by the review agencies. <br />• Preparation of a final report summarizing the results of our field and laboratory test results, <br />including final report on grading and certification of compliance. <br />Ninyo & Moore 1 Geotechnical Engineering Services I Pro2{QM4-(7 I July 12, 2018 17 <br />