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CHASE / Merchant Services + 4 Northeastern Boulevard, Salem, NH 03079.1952 + <br />Payt ent ch Phone: (603) 896-6000 • Fax: (603) 896-8715 . <br />SECTION 4: 1099 K CONTACT I N FO RMATIO N (w-9 required if new Us entity and/or taxpayer ID, W-8 required for Canadian <br />entities) <br />Transaction Division's Taxpayer ID #/No. 95-6000785 Same as Corporate Yes ❑ No <br />1099K Contact Name Francisco Gutierrez 1099K Contact email address : <br />_ This Is the contact that will receive the 1099K mailing to the address listed on the W-9 supplied (only required if different than Corporate) <br />SECTION 4a. TRANSACTION DIVISION <br />Division Name: City of Santa Ana - Business License (up to 30 bytes - this will appear on your Financial Reports) <br />Currency (list only 1 each per division): Presentment: US Settlement: us <br />'** If using our Cross Currency Product -- please provide both the Presentment and the Settlement Currencies <br />The following field appears on the customer's statement and identifies the merchant name for the consumer and credit card organizations. To further <br />aid consumer recognition, Visa has sanctioned the abbreviation of the merchant name. It must be separated from product Information by an asterisk <br />(*), which must appear In the 4th. Bin or 13th position, The asterisk cannot be used for Retail Merchants. Internet service providers, e-commerce <br />merchants may utilize a URL Instead of Customer Service Phone If not processing any Mail-order transactions (URL must only be 13 bytes) <br />Cardholder Descriptor (For all card types with the exception of American Express): <br />C I i I t I y o I f S a in t a A n a (22 bytes) <br />Customer Service Phone #: 7 1 4 - 6 4 7 5 4 0 0 (13 bytes) <br />(Required for Mail Order or Recurring) <br />City: (Required for Retail) (13 bytes) <br />URL: (optional, If phone# provided above) (13 bytes) <br />Division Location Address: 20 Civic Center Plaza Country: USA <br />(Must be a street address, PO Boxes not acceptable) � <br />City: Santa Ana State/Prov: FC A Zip Code (US): 9 2 7 0 <br />(For Retail -City above must match City Location) <br />Postal Code (Intl): [_1_T7—IPostal Code (Can); (5 bytes) <br />(State/Province and Postal/Zip codes must match the address given above) <br />Product/Service D escriptio n (Enter product description, i.e. clothing, g I u s <br />books, membership) <br />Publication Descriptor (Please provide only if required by yoursubmilter): <br />Avg. Trans. $ Amt: 380 Avg, # Trans./Yr: 240 Projected Refund % 10 BPS <br />How do you market this product? (Check oniv those that apply to this division) <br />❑ Catalog ❑ Direct Mail ® Internet ❑ Space Ad ❑ TV ❑ Outbound Telemarketing ❑ Other <br />How will consumers provide credit card information to you when they order this product? (Select only one): <br />❑ Retail ❑ Mail/Phone(Marketing Material Required) ® I nternet(Please provide your URL): http:// <br />ana <br />Ifinternet is selected and the website Is not yet available to consumers please complete a Marketing Material Supplement form which you may obtain <br />from Merchant Services or your account executive. <br />If Internet, please advise: Select one: ❑ SSL ❑ SET ❑ No encryption method <br />Will the consumer be able to place their order and provide their credit card info (or electronic check info) <br />through this website? ® Yes ❑ No <br />Is the web site secure, Le., will the information that the consumer provides, such as their name and <br />credit card number be encrypted so that it can't be read or intercepted by other people? ®Yes []No <br />Maximum Sale $125k <br />Transaction Amount: (Default $25,000 U.S. dollars or established international currency equivalent per transaction) <br />Maximum Refund $125k <br />Transaction Amount: (Default $25,000 U.S, dollars or established international currency equivalent per transaction) <br />(Approval will be required for any temporary or permanent Increases to this ceiling limit). <br />Please check the consumer's payment option for this division: (Select only one): <br />®Single payment ❑Installment payments []Deferred payments ❑Recurring (transactions managedbymorchanNsubmitter) <br />Rev11/18110 2 NeWDIVlslonSetup/cboo <br />