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C H A S E 617-� <br />Merchant Services - 4 Northeastern Boulevard, Salem NH 03070-1062 - wavi.chasepaymentech,com <br />Phone: (603) 896-6000 - Fax: (803) 896-8715 - Merchati( <br />SECTION 6: PRODUCTS& SERVICES <br />By <br />Please indicate if you will be using any of the following additional services. Please note that some of these services May <br />require an additional contract addendum and/or information if you currently do not have the Service- (For information on <br />n <br />these services, please contact your Chase Paymentach Relationship Manage,) <br />1, 0 Authorization Recycling <br />A of recycle attempts: _ (Default is 3 if left blank) # of days between attempts: (Default is 3 it left blank) <br />ndard <br />2. [1 MC/IM SecureCode 0 UKDM SecureCade <br />3. E] Account Updater (US Only, Canada & UK Only): <br />OSubmitting or []Extracting (if extracting Indicate # of Days: _ (1 -180 days) (if Orbital Gateway <br />For UK -Account Updater Visa EU Merchant ID required <br />SECTION 7: METHODS OF PAYMENT <br />Z Visa Z MasterCard El JCB (US & Yen only) El UK Maestro/Switch Solo (UK domicile end DER currency only) <br />(As a default Discover will be set up except for those merchants that are retained by Discover, or do not have a company location address in the United <br />States. Asa default Discover Diners added whenever Visa and MC are added) <br />El Discover Canada (CAD only) 0 Discover Diners Canada (CAD only) <br />0 Private Label vendor: <br />Private Label attributes Please supply attributes for Private Label Vendor <br />(Please work with your Vendor to obtain these attributes - for example - HRS Household - Please provide Credit Plan #) <br />Z Discover (conveyed ontyl (us only) SE#E:1�1 (15 bytes) <br />0 American Express(conveyed) $E# C I I I I (10 bytes) <br />As a rule: (US SE should begin with international SE should begin with a "9', Canadian SE should begin with a "93'; International SE valid on some <br />areas currency divisions dependent on presentment currency) <br />AMEX Parameter Information <br />Cardholder Descriptor: (Appears an your American Express cardholder statement)(All other card types use descriptor in Section 4) <br />(2o bytes) <br />TAA #1: (22 bytes) TAA #2: (22 bytes) <br />TAA #1 (22 bytes) TAA #4: (22 bytes) <br />Do you su000rt American Express Partial Auths? <br />American Express - Yes El NoEl <br />For American Express Only, if yes — please select the following applicable option: <br />Auth and Balance Return 0 Partial Auth [3 Both E, <br />How have you been classified as a merchant by American Express?: (please select one) <br />n <br />Company Name: <br />and Canadian only) <br />TO -T -f -T --FS <br />j_L a j (16 bytes) <br />Item Description: I P I R I E I P (10 bytes) <br />Preferred Delivery Method: (select only one) <br />Z Best Possible (US only) 0 Facsimile Draft (US only) El ACHIEFT (US & Canada) <br />Redeposit Parameter? 0 Yes [D No Indicate # of Days: 0 The default is 'I" <br />How do you obtain authorization from consumers? (Select ontyone) El Written consent E] Telephone N Internet <br />ECP Maximum Sale (if blank, these amounts will default to match the Bank Card Transaction Amounts. Enter an amount <br />Transaction Amount: here only if the Maximum Sale and Refund amounts for ECP should be different than Bank Card) <br />ECP Maximum Refund (If blank, these amounts wit default to match the Bank Card Transaction Amounts. Enter an amount <br />Transaction Amount: here only it the Maximum Sale and Refund amounts for ECP should be different than Bar* Card) <br />(Approval will be required for any temporary or permanent increases to this ceiling fimif). <br />RevIVISM0 4 New0ivision9etupleborr <br />