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CHASE Ivle4cnartt S,rvlce'J * d NDfUnaa5terr 60L.1evard, S2Iem, N1d - *Nww. Ghaag p yn Ic"om <br />Phone i603i 89G80y0 » Fax: (6031826-97 15 = M1,+ec-,hant Senrtcoe( ChasePay�ne-!Ie<h --,om, <br />C1 Swift Code: (8 to 11 bytes) <br />G2 Sort Code: (Required in Great Britain <br />C3 IBAN/Bank Account ti <br />Company Name: (As appears an Bank account) <br />Financial Institution Name: <br />City: Statetprovince: <br />Special Mire Instructions: (60 bytes) <br />D1 Swift Code: (8 to 'I'I bytes) <br />D2 Sort Code;: (Required in Great Britain <br />D3 Wire Transfer: (USA Only) <br />DA Financial Institution Name: <br />City: _ State/Province: <br />Special Wire Instructions (60 bytes) <br />Postal Code: Country: <br />Postal Code/Zip: <br />;WIN <br />(Routing 4) <br />Country: <br />Section E: Si <br />'On behalf or City of Santa Ana 1, Fr uclecr, Gutivrrcz represent and warrant <br />(Merchant legal Name) w (Print Nrame) <br />that I have the authority to add banking information and I verify that the above banking information is accurate and should be used to <br />h ansfer funds accordingly,' N n <br />4 <br />Director of Finance 3/31/2016 <br />or <br />Neste: in order to process this regtiest, please attach an original volved check (starter check or bank <br />statements not applicable) or a bank letter of verification. <br />Reel I! t & t p .> N --n, D� damn: cbao <br />