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EXHIBIT 1 <br />Application City of Santa Ana- CDBG <br />Character Limit: 20 <br />a. Minimum Willing to Accept to Administer Your Program* <br />($30,000 Minimum) <br />Character Limit: 20 <br />Q4. Cost per participant* <br />(Total CDBG funds requested divided by total number of participants to be served) <br />Character Limit: 20 <br />Q5. Program History <br />a. Total number of Santa Ana residents served in 2016-17, 2017-18 and <br />projected total for 2018-19* <br />Character Limit: 50 <br />b. Total Program Expense in 2016-17, 2017-18, and projected total for 2018-19* <br />Character Limit: 50 <br />c. Total years the program has been in existence <br />Character Limit: 50 <br />Q6. Name of Program` <br />Character Limit: 250 <br />Q7. Provide a concise description of the proposed program* <br />(300 character maximum) <br />Character Limit: 300 <br />Q8. Provide a detailed description of the proposed program including the <br />following information:* <br />1. Detailed description of services to be provided <br />2. Frequency of service delivery (i.e. daily, weekly, monthly); <br />3. How the service is provided (i.e. one-on-one, classroom settings, home visits, phone <br />referrals); and <br />4. Target population groups (i.e. youth in specific neighborhoods, homeless, seniors <br />(5,000 character maximum) <br />Character Limit: 5000 <br />City of Santa Ana Community <br />Development Block Grant FY 2019 - <br />Printed On: 29 November 2018 2020 (Nonprofit Application) <br />19D-12 <br />