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(D <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Contractor must design its bid so that the amount bid as the Contract Price will be <br />sufficient to provide the required level of services under both the First Tier Service and <br />the Mutual Aid Service, without expecting any additional amounts in compensation. <br />C. CITY OF SANTA ANA may amend this contract in the event the City of Santa <br />Ana elects an alternate bid proposal submitted by a contractor as part of the RFP <br />process. <br />5. Term <br />A. Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement shall be TBD hours on <br />TBD, ("Effective Date"), at which time CONTRACTOR will assume full responsibility for <br />the provision of 9-1-1 Emergency Transportation Services within the CITY OF SANTA <br />ANA. At the sole discretion of the OCFA on behalf of the City of Santa Ana, the <br />Effective Date may be postponed in order to protect public health and safety, or in the <br />event CONTRACTOR is for any reason unable to commence performance at that time. <br />B. Initial Term. This Agreement is for a basic five (5) year term, beginning on the <br />Effective Date and ending on TBD hours on TBD (the `Initial Term"). The contract shall <br />automatically expire at the end of the Initial Term unless extended as provided below. <br />C. Extension. Upon a writing to the CONTRACTOR by the CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />City Manager and City Attorney made prior to the expiration of the Initial Term of this <br />Agreement, the contract may be extended for up to one additional three (3) year term <br />(first extension) and thereafter for one additional (2) year term (final extension) [for a <br />possible total of 10 years]. Successful past performance during the Initial Term period <br />will be a critical factor in the decision to grant an extension. The decision to grant an <br />extension shall be made solely at the discretion of the CITY OF SANTA ANA in <br />consultation with OCFA. At the end of the Initial Term, or at the end of contract <br />extension term(s) if granted, this Agreement shall automatically terminate (the Initial <br />Term together with any contract extension(s), if any, shall hereinafter be collectively <br />referred to as the `Term"), <br />6. Termination <br />This Agreement may be terminated by the parties as hereinafter provided: <br />A. This Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause, <br />upon ninety (90) days prior written notice to the other party. <br />B. OCFA on behalf of the CITY OF SANTA ANA may terminate this Agreement <br />for Cause by providing CONTRACTOR seven (7) days prior written notice of termination <br />for Cause and the factors constituting Cause. <br />City of Santa Ana Page 197 <br />Fire/EMS Emergency Ambulance Transportation and Related Services <br />Request for Proposals: # 18-059 <br />August 28, 2018 <br />